Apart at thee seams
And thee world keeps turning as thee prophecies rise,
Seeing things E never thought, E would see with my own eyes,
Capitalism crumbling like the walls ov Jericho,
Earthquakes and flooding bring the future, here we go,
Thee forces ov oppression try so hard to stop thee change,
But this wind’s powered by nature, it is she who rearrange,
Corrupt politicians just don’t know what to do,
As their violent police force pins thee blame on me and you,
Why don’t they let go? For thee flow will strike them down
If you don’t move with it, it will remove your crown
Because it was written, to come to an end,
And before us all now thee future portends,
Yes it feels like thee world is coming apart at thee seams,
But it’s just thee realisation ov all ov our dreams,
For we are thee dreamers, thee changers ov things,
We envisioned a levelling; we grew our own wings,
They said that thee weak should inherit thee earth,
For we are its treasure, we are its worth,
We are thee countries, we are thee law,
We are thee judges, we are thee war,
We are thee speakers ov all that is true,
So forget all they said now and listen to you
Yes it feels like thee world is coming apart at thee seams,
But it’s just thee realisation ov all ov our dreams,
Yes it feels like thee world is coming apart at thee seams,
But it’s just thee realisation ov all ov our dreams.