On thee path ov thee ancients
Walking here beneath thee arms, stretched out above my head, the quietest place you can find these days, where most is left unsaid, following trails left undisturbed forever and a day, the guardians watch and from every tree, and guide me along the pagan way, for here is where the animals prey, most humans just look away, separate from thee barbed wire fence, on the path ov thee ancients, E am on thee path ov thee ancients, as E gently tread where angels fear, in a natural hallucination sphere, the world around just comes alive, elders gaze upon my form, from every tree a being formed, a fox walks slowly right past me, the woodpecker hammers thru my dream, and in my heart E hear a song, from distant times ago so long, for here is where thee animals prey, most humans just look away, separate from thee barbed wire fence, on thee path ov thee ancients, E am on thee path ov thee ancients, E can feel a change so deep inside, but it’s been in me for all my time, and now it’s woken E feel renewed, know where E am and who is who, feel at one with thee animals too, know exactly what E have to do, leave thee modern world behind, it don’t sit well within my mind, for they are cruel and E am kind, it has been this way for all ov time, they are lost and E am fine, E am just they are thee crime, for they have never took thee time, and they have never seen thee signs, that are right in front ov their bloody eyes, for here is where thee animals prey, most humans just look away, separate from thee barbed wire fence, on thee path ov thee ancients, E am on thee path ov thee ancients, go take a look and you may see, what ancient eyes have always seen, it is not found in holy books, or hymns ov heavens and shepherds crooks, it is something they never took, it is thee crown ov all thee kingdoms look, thee faces are around us all, in every living thing a call, to guide you back to thee promised land, thee only place we can understand, just what it is to be a man, and live in essence with natures plan, in thee home of shelter’s free, where we can all be what we be, try to see what E have seen, hands outstretched to all the beings, for here is where thee animals prey, most humans just look away, separate from thee barbed wire fence, thee only place it all makes sense, on thee path ov thee ancients. (23/03/10)
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