Growing up watching you get thee worst from thee worst, never finding your way out ov it, your life is accursed, one new idea forward, but your wisdom is reversed, blinded by thee visions but not seeing their worth, tearing down spirit and stamping on our pride, always defending when we fight for our rights, stopping all our futures by stepping on thee flow, how can we grow?, E ask you how can we grow?, we are not children anymore, don’t you know?, we wanna move as we like, we wanna choose how we go, smoke a little, healing potion, but you always say no, now you know its no crime, yeah you know its no crime, simple truths and simple lives, easy on thee pressure and crazy in thee eyes, part ov thee cultural history ov thee tribes, that lived all over this land, now this you must understand, but you pretend you don’t hear, you pretend we’re not here, you build more walls with your fear, this is so totally clear, and so despite all your claims, we know you’re lost and insane, you got lost in your own game, you cant remember your name, and it is we who see all, without us you will fall, so time to follow our fate and ignore all you create, because we treat how we find, and you are not ov our kind, and you are not ov our time, you are nowhere in sight, like a bad dream mainlined, just a moment sublime, and our flag still flies, yes our flag still flies, we are made ov stronger stuff, cause we were made to survive, you can trace our spirit back to our ancestors times, round and round we go, never captured or destroyed, through thee ages with thee sages, we keep sailing across thee void, lighting fires, dancing circles, in thee trees and under stars, from thee valleys to thee mountains, down thee rivers we flow far, always connected and in tune with thee world, beneath this façade, yes beneath this façade, you will never defeat this feeling that we have, thee circle is unbroken, though sometimes you make us sad, but our family is our strength and our bloodlines so entwined, that we will always be, yes we will always be, so we watch you banging your own head against thee wall, and you never hear thee call, you hear nothing here at all, and they say thee fall ov man has cursed us all, was he pushed or did he fall?, were we pushed or did we fall?, or were we just banging our heads on our walls?, were we just banging our heads on thee wall? (E hear nothing at all!)
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