Friday, 26 February 2010

E see you!

there is a lot ov talk ov thee coming insurrection!!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

more on the greek revolution

Greek rebels
In thee shadow ov thee acropolis, thee struggle has intensified, thee scum police, thee nouveau rich, and already yes some have died, listen to thee slogans ov thee insurrection, merry crisis and a happy new fear, fascist state you are deaf to thee people, only the gallows await you here, kill thee cop inside you, take to thee streets, revolt, revolt, billions for thee banks, bullets for thee children, everything that happens is your own fault, thee hooded ones have come to take what is theres by right and fight, for thee memory of Alex who was martyred by thee strife, letting beauty bloom from thee blood, hold your head up and see thee sky, as time goes on, it wont go slow, and thee fires will burn all night, keeping heads high, kiss your fist and try, in thee glory ov exarchia, they can and will control their lives in thee movement ov anarchia, chaos is not disorder it is an empty space to be occupied, to lay thee silver egg from which Eros grew, in nosotros the black flag flies, in an assertion ov dignity, a statement ov presence, we are here, we are here, thee uprising menace, in thee civil war that never goes away, risking their liberty on every day, drenched in tear gas from Israel, keeping their community out ov thee jails, rebellion against thee tyranny, we are not included in their democracy, disarm thee police and make thee government resign, this is our world for fucks sake, and this is our fucking time, for konstantina and Alex, koukouloforoi and thee AEK, with thee revolutionary struggle from November thee seventeenth, and thee sect ov revolutionaries more coming every week, the struggle may be long but thee struggles going on, in thee shadow of thee acropolis a banner hangs defiant, in every different language, you cannot buy our silence, rebel, rebel, rebel, rebel. (26/02/10)

read background here:-

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

valley ov stars

Valley ov stars
Thee beauty ov nature in thee place where thee stars fell, thee caves ov thee spices in thee land where thee sea dwelled, thee wind through thee spires makes a strange migrant sound, in this magickal valley where thee light hit thee ground, and E meet with a stranger who somehow knew my name, and thee spirit ov knowing in a glance was to blame, taught me mystical pathways intertwined in stories, what a vivid description searching for mysteries, for these tales ov thee ancients wrapped around my being, and at thee sunset E saw that belief was seeing, as thee sand at my feet came alive with thee light, which had come from thee sky in past centuries night, when celestial riders dropped like rain in this place, descended like chariots that had come from deep space, and deposited power and energized stone, that remains here forever to be found when alone, and thee strangeness was welcomed to be mentioned at last, thinking E was thee only in thee valley ov stars, but it’s thee path ov thee seeker ov incredible things, that creates magick here now and can make thee hills sing, like thee serpents ov water drilling places ov power, where thee sky kissed thee land and erected thee towers, as thee wind passes through me and touches all that is here, where thee fire burns brightest and thee truth is sincere, with thee beauty ov nature in thee place where they fell, in thee caves and thee spices, in thee land where she dwelled, as she breathes through thee spires and her voice becomes sound, in this magickal valley where thee light hit thee ground. (22/2/10)

Monday, 22 February 2010

“The English people believes itself to be free; it is gravely mistaken; it is free only during election of members of parliament; as soon as the members are elected, the people is enslaved; it is nothing. In the brief moment of its freedom, the English people makes such a use of that freedom that it deserves to lose it.”
~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French philosopher and writer whose novels inspired the leaders of the French Revolution, 1712-1778)

“Real change comes about not because we vote for it, but because we fight for it, shout for it, work for it. Placing hopes and fears on who holds power, or who will gain power through voting, is wasting time which might be spent in creating alternatives, both for ourselves and for our communities.”
~ Chumbawamba, 1987

Friday, 19 February 2010

pound ov flesh

Pound ov flesh

Gale force wind and severe rainstorms in Tenerife, more dead soldiers in Afghanistan, freak twisters tearing up Queensland farms, thee ammo's running out for thee Taliban, thee dalai lama visits obama, thee Chinese note put out ov joint, Israeli secret service assassinate in Dubai, with British passports, no proof no point, this is just one day in thee media minefield, doing all they can to manipulate me, lies and half truths and deliberate rumours, they take their pound ov flesh and sleep soundly, a US plane crashes into thee taxman, there’s fears that Iran have a nuclear plan, a NATO strike kills with friendly fire, another suicide bomber goes off in Iraq, in Haiti thee missionaries kidnapping children, thee top UN climate official just resigned, armed robber with no jury goes on thee run in London, and they're trying to divert me with thee Olympic signs, can't stand no more in this media brainwash, they're sucking thee intelligence out ov me, lies and half truths all deliberate rumours. they take their pound ov flesh and sleep well it seems, and up in outer space they walk on thee space station, putting all their effort in tranquillity nodes, polishing and priming a million cameras, so nowhere on earth can we call alone, eyes in thee sky from these new age watchers, who somehow have to know what we all now do, as everybody fights over new technologies, are you spying on me now or am E spying on you? Just another day in thee media blackout, throwing out a blanket ov conformity, stealing all we own while we stand and watch them, they take their pound ov flesh and sleep well it seems. (18/02/10)

Secret diary ov an anarchist

E used to prepare for protests by listening to thee A team by conflict, it put you in thee mood for action and you would be gagging for it by thee time you got to thee meeting point. E always wore dark clothes with a black scarf tied around my face to protect my identity, a black zip up hoody is always good and if you tie thee black scarf right you can get a padded knot at thee back ov thee neck which protected me from a baton strike many a time. Gloves are handy too, no fingerprints on missiles you may launch and no fingerprints if there’s a chance for a bit ov community shopping, more commonly known as looting. Don’t underestimate thee power ov marbles, a bag ov marbles can do a lot of damage, you can throw handfuls into thee path ov charging riot policemen and E have seen them go over if they get them under their feet, plus E have smashed police van windows with one well aimed marble, with big cheers from my fellow protestors to boot. Keep moving when you are in thee crowd, don’t get trapped in by thee filth, be aware ov their movements and always go to work when you have at least two minimum ways to escape, always keep an eye out behind where thee scuffles are occurring, they do like to send in snatch squads from behind, remember they are dying to get their filthy hands on you, but they wont chance it if you stay with thee group and keep moving also be aware ov when thee numbers are shrinking and leave before there are too little left to defend, because thee filth suddenly get well brave when they have that advantage and will press home on thee ones that are left and most ov that lot will not be up for toe to toe fist fights, they will be too fluffy to defend themselves, and would rather shout “shame on you” with their fucking hands in thee air when thee filth come wading in, they will take a battering because ov that. E got no time for this Buddhist style protesting, plus they’ll be thee first to blame us for thee police’s actions and what do you call people like that? Collaborators E call ‘em, E mean look how well they do when we are not there to defend thee protest from thee filth, E mean… like the filth are ever gonna prosecute their own kind, that makes me fucking laugh, thee police are scum and always will be, think ov ‘Em as kiddie fiddling racists and you are still being far too polite about thee cunts, fuck being nice to ‘em, make ‘em scared ov you or they will at some point start beating thee shit out ov you for no reason at all, as soon as thee order has been given and they have gathered as much intelligence as they can, they will try to take control ov thee situation because they are robots and want you to obey thee law, no matter what, but eventually they will learn that when we are about en masse, its our fucking street And its time for some payback! They may have thee batons but we have thee marbles and we definitely have thee numbers so we should be all over them, trip them over ands stick thee boot in, take their batons and shields off them, use their own weapons against them, hit and run is thee vibe here! Like boadicea against thee Romans, guerrilla warfare we can win, its always been that way, don’t get drawn into a big battle in thee open, that’s how people get slaughtered, hit and run, stick and move, fucking ave it people, let them know how you fucking feel, take your tensions out on thee real fucking enemy.(19/02/10)

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

“Those who profess to favour freedom and yet depreciate agitation are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.”
-Frederick Douglass

“Human history begins with man's act of disobedience which is at the very same time the beginning of his freedom and development of his reason.”-Erich Fromm

“Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance”-Woodrow Wilson

“We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love, the freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us!”- Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”-Samuel Adams

Sunday, 14 February 2010

charly says....

inspirational stuff here!!!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

If you are reading this….you are thee resistance

All this confusion from thee ones who claim to look to thee cross, all these soldiers ov thee light, you need new bearings you are lost, clinging on so hard to thee comforts ov thee slave, no courage for thee future, lets just keep it all thee same, which means that you’re accomplices to all that’s getting worse, you trust not one ov your own neighbours honest words, addicted to thee lies E watch you turn thee other cheek, and help thee machines that will tear apart thee weak, you’ve removed yourself from all our communities, we are thee people , we are not thee disease, and you are one ov us, even though you now forget, you condemn your own brothers and your sisters to their deaths, death is what thee machines crave, it is not your own idea, to live in paranoia, live in spite with all this fear, if thee world would stop spinning, and we all fell out into space, you would still not recognize that we all are human race, with each our own ways, to express who we are, to worship and celebrate our life, for we are stars, with thee sun and thee moon and thee earth true trinity, so much realer now than it has ever really been, we’re people in common, not fear of difference, be thee revolution is a need not a request, for we are many in our legions ov love, don’t believe in gods or demons but believe we all are one, and when we are then we all become gods, and we can make our world better without dying on your cross, its astronomy not deities, you think thee world is flat, and you will kill us if we say we just don’t think like that, these stories they are lies to all like a sword makes all enslaved, and take away your power, your respect and your claims, to all thee earth, which is yours by birthright, and with thee strong arm ov greed they have stolen your sight, but listen deep inside, can you feel thee heartbeat, ov your brothers and sisters as they rise to their feet, we are calling you, to thee mother we return, it is not a new beginning, its an ancient way, relearned, time to awaken from this dark world ov sleep, remember how we used to be inside ov thee dream, this is where we all come from and deep in our hearts, its thee things we’ve all been needing since they kept us apart, to put things simply, we are all on thee same side, and to protect each other we must all come alive, not on our knees, life on our feet, as it was in thee start, not on our knees, love on our feet, at least at last. (10/02/10 23:23)

Monday, 8 February 2010

Thee portal ov thee bubbling vortex

E was thinking about consciousness and memory and E wanted to get these ideas down so…E have always thought ov memories as bubbles inside my mind, thousands ov little bubbles ov times and sounds and foods and everything E have ever experienced ever stored away in a massive room ov bubbles and from time to time, a certain piece ov music or a familiar face can make you
re-experience that bubble again like a time machine ov sorts it can take you right back as they say, E have found even when writing , if E read back a certain experience or trip or way E felt for a second there E can re-taste that experience again even thee full on ones when everything went wobbly, are re-taste able so real experience and consciousness are stored in these little bubbles, now thee only thing E need to find out is if other people can taste those bubbles, hear that music, experience thee same consciousness, E find when E read other peoples work that it can happen but ov course only from my imagined perception ov what E thought occurred based on thee information given
But if this is thee case then sharing consciousness and free thought between individuals should be rife, E mean if we were all at this putting your thoughts on thee empty page game what could really be achieved? So come on let me hear your thoughts? Can thee war ov consciousness really be fought on thee empty page?
Thee only thing we have to fear is fear itself
Now some thoughts about portals…because what E have found is that as you meet different circles ov people through life you stay and migrate from one circle to another as you go along some people may stay in your circle longer but inevitably most migrate to other circles before too long, its thee circle ov life thing going on and its all good, E am not complaining about it E like it, what E am trying to get at is there is always someone in thee circle who becomes thee portal to thee next circle, thee doorway through to thee next period ov your life, ov course you can only realise these things after they have happened and having hindsight is a wonderful thing but there have definitely been some major portals in my life which led on to me being who E am, and again like the bubbles thing we use thee same phrase when we meet someone like that from our past a portal from our past, wow you take me back! So portals and bubbles are related to each other they exist in the same transient moments ov consciousness they are real and they are happening around you right now although you cant see that yet because ov passage ov time, thee other thing is sometimes you are instinctively drawn to these people your consciousness demands it and you can tell subconsciously that it is occurring but your conscious brain tries to tell you that it isn’t, don’t believe that conscious side so much that’s thee side that was trained by thee state to ignore this way ov thinking and to get on with being a slave that consciousness is a coward and it shows you nothing ov any real value but it can bring about thee bliss ov total clueless ignorance if you let it, but that path was never for me. Anyways somebody said that Stonehenge was a circle ov doorways and that got me thinking about a circle ov portals, because E have found that if you try and cross from one side to thee other at thee summer solstice then you always come out ov a doorway not opposite where you started no matter how hard you try, because that place when it is energized by people or portals becomes a vortex in the middle and they are not easy to cross, which makes me think if we make circles ov portals together with our friends, then we too can create a vortex, one which is impossible to cross, and this kind of chaotic energy may in fact be more useful in other rituals ov thee mind and energy raising statements ov intent to help free our consciousness and connect our portals to let the bubbles out and reverberate as one big bang, you could start a new universe with that kind ov bubble. So to sum up we are all potential portals, we are all full ov bubbles, and if we all get together we all become gods….ov thee vortex, good times. (08/2/10)

Thursday, 4 February 2010

“Thee life-force is not blind…we are”-Austin Osman Spare

For thousands ov years, many thinkers have believed in thee existence ov another world, hidden from our eyes yet beneath our very feet. According to Buddhist doctrine Agharta is a subterranean land located deep within thee centre ov our planet earth. Thee Buddhists believe that millions ov people live within this underground paradise, thee Buddhist religion is one ov thee oldest and most sophisticated in thee world so is thee story ov Agharta nothing more than fable? Or is there truth behind thee legend? As above …so below? Thee hollow earth theory is a mind shattering proposal that there are gigantic holes at thee north and south poles. These polar openings lead to a vast unknown world inside thee centre ov thee earth. Some believers also claim thee earth is honeycombed with a vast network of subterranean tunnels that lead down to thee inner world. Thee access points at thee poles are enormous holes each some 1500 miles across and have allegedly been photographed on several occasions, notably by thee essa 3 and essa 7 satellites in 1967/68. Throughout history mariners have returned home with their astonishing tales ov other worlds. They told ov strange lands, disappearing islands, sea serpents, unchartered land masses and unexplained ocean phenomenon, thee ancients knew thee earth was hollow, they realized that an unwary ships captain could sail his vessel over thee polar rim and down into thee inner earth. E feel this is thee fact behind thee legends ov early ships sailing off thee edge ov thee world. No wonder they thought thee earth was flat, this was an ancient seaman’s fear, slipping off thee edge ov thee world and down into thee unknown void, thee inner earth. To quote Hunter s Thompson “A funny thing about thee edge is…it’s only those who have gone over who know where it is”. There are magnetic aberrations in thee compass as you approach thee poles, if you study thee history ov polar exploration you find that some explorers lost their bearings and returned with stories ov unusual animals, lush plants and mosquitoes where there should be none. Believers claim thee arctic and Antarctic oceans flow into thee interior ov thee hollow earth merging with oceans on thee inside, seven tenths ov thee earths surface is water, seventy percent ov you is water, water is thee source ov all life. Science has never come forth with a satisfactory explanation for thee northern and southern polar lights, aurora borealis and aurora australis, they say these magnificent sky lights are possibly caused by electrical or magnetic storms at thee poles. Believers feel that thee borealis and australis are a reflection ov thee sun in thee interior ov thee earth, light from thee inner sun is emitted through thee polar openings, it bounces off thee earths atmosphere and is reflected back down on thee icy glare ov thee polar regions and we have these unusual lights. E think that thee inner sun is probably a dying star, and to tie it in with religious doctrine, if all thee mentions ov GOD in the bible really relate to thee sun god or RA then perhaps this inner sun relates to thee son ov god myth who was sacrificed or hidden to save us from sin, in fact its amazing how close thee word sun and sin are when you think about it perhaps they both relate to thee inner star? Legends and myths handed down from ancient times often contain important clues about thee interior lands, thee ancients knew there were these underground kingdoms. They listened seriously to accounts of god like creatures, fabled cities ov gold, thee watchers, subterranean tunnel cities and strange animals unknown to thee surface world. We’ve labelled these stories as folklore or mysteries, dismissing thee truths contained within them, yet folklore is thee invisible history ov mankind, think about it, loch ness, Egypt, Tibet, Stonehenge, thee Mayans, strange Neolithic temples, underground cities, sea monsters, dragons and caves, where did they put jesus’ body after thee crucifixion? Into a cave where some days later he is born again now E know this relates to thee sun at thee time ov winter solstice but there are duality’s here, all over it. There are stories ov an enormous cavern in thee lands ov Nubia, tunnels run for many miles under thee mountains, does any man know thee entrance to these tunnels? Travellers from those countries say thee doorways have been hidden, there are thee legendary mines ov old king Solomon, thee riches ov king Solomon’s mines was supposed to have been beyond comprehension yet no traces remain ov where thee thee rare metals were scooped from thee earth! What about Aladdin? Thee seven dwarves? Are all these based on ancient forgotten knowledge or just simply folklore? Tunnels beneath thee sphinx supposedly leading to an underground complex below thee pyramids are currently and secretly being investigated as we speak, occultists have maintained these stories for centuries, all ov mans history has been written down and deposited in vaults below thee pyramids (known as thee hall ov records) and elsewhere across thee globe, so where does that leave us my head spinning readers? Research it yourselves, investigate thee tunnels ov thee earth yourselves, there are plenty of references to Neolithic tunnels and caves here in thee uk and E am sure where you are too, get involved, find out for your self and if you discover something tell everyone!
(originally written for dream creation magazine 23/5/99 Avalon large)

“As he spoke “This is my palace…a light began to glow, and to pervade thee cave, and to obliterate thee stone walls and thee antique hieroglyphics engraved thereon, and to melt thee earthen floor into itself like a fiery sun suddenly up risen within thee world and there was everywhere, a wandering ecstasy ov sound, light and sound were one, light had a voice and thee music hung glittering in thee air. E am Aengus, men call me thee young, E am thee sunlight in thee heart, thee moonlight in thee mind. E am thee light at thee end ov every dream, thee voice forever calling to come away. E am desire beyond joy or tears, come with me….for my palace opens into thee garden ov thee sun””-A.E (George Russel)

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


Primigravida, love growing within, a new life pure and helpless, a new love beginning, we have formed a new being, from both ov our seeds, such a beautiful baby, all now come true my dreams, and you are my glory, my match and my world, you are more precious than orchids, you are my special girl, and there’s no woman stronger than a woman in love, and thee love you have for me, can’t be rivalled above, can E ever repay you for making me live, there is nothing E won’t do, all E have E will give, because you are my heartbeat, my every breath, my reason for being, a true vision in red, and E am forever in your debt, love is true. (28/11/95)(For Polly)

From thee land beyond beyond

From thee land beyond beyond, thee mists ov time have led me on, for man entangled in a net, ov sleep and dreams not woken yet, this world around so sad and blue, with all there is woven by you, must realize this tragic crime, and face yourself for thee first time, take strength in knowing all is true, and all’s connected now to you, always is always and is forever, away from thee land ov never never, time to dream a better dream, love thee lovers ov all things, for thee mists ov time will lead you on, into thee land beyond beyond, from this land ov endless night guidance comes from wisdoms light, thee circle ov eternal hands, above the clouds beneath thee land, thee fire warms thee waters edge, reflections ov all things unsaid, sight ov all that was unseen, images ov a thousand dreams, hear thee laughter hear thee screams, where all will know what all this means, the one together with every part, unique in every mind and heart ,thee loves lost ancients drive us on, once more thee land beyond beyond, this is where we all must end and return where we come again, the dragon swallows its own tail, we free ourselves from our own jails, we hear what has always remained below the sounds ov modern days, in thee rivers flow thee crest ov waves, thee breaking light ov every ray, thee goddess whispers through thee trees, carried on an endless breeze, touches every one and all, from emerging roots till leaves that fall, singing to remember why, thee earth is gently kissed by sky, worshipped as in ancient ways, to keep producing all our days, if you listen closely hear her song, into thee land beyond beyond, into thee land beyond beyond. (Nov 2001)