“Thee life-force is not blind…we are”-Austin Osman Spare
For thousands ov years, many thinkers have believed in thee existence ov another world, hidden from our eyes yet beneath our very feet. According to Buddhist doctrine Agharta is a subterranean land located deep within thee centre ov our planet earth. Thee Buddhists believe that millions ov people live within this underground paradise, thee Buddhist religion is one ov thee oldest and most sophisticated in thee world so is thee story ov Agharta nothing more than fable? Or is there truth behind thee legend? As above …so below? Thee hollow earth theory is a mind shattering proposal that there are gigantic holes at thee north and south poles. These polar openings lead to a vast unknown world inside thee centre ov thee earth. Some believers also claim thee earth is honeycombed with a vast network of subterranean tunnels that lead down to thee inner world. Thee access points at thee poles are enormous holes each some 1500 miles across and have allegedly been photographed on several occasions, notably by thee essa 3 and essa 7 satellites in 1967/68. Throughout history mariners have returned home with their astonishing tales ov other worlds. They told ov strange lands, disappearing islands, sea serpents, unchartered land masses and unexplained ocean phenomenon, thee ancients knew thee earth was hollow, they realized that an unwary ships captain could sail his vessel over thee polar rim and down into thee inner earth. E feel this is thee fact behind thee legends ov early ships sailing off thee edge ov thee world. No wonder they thought thee earth was flat, this was an ancient seaman’s fear, slipping off thee edge ov thee world and down into thee unknown void, thee inner earth. To quote Hunter s Thompson “A funny thing about thee edge is…it’s only those who have gone over who know where it is”. There are magnetic aberrations in thee compass as you approach thee poles, if you study thee history ov polar exploration you find that some explorers lost their bearings and returned with stories ov unusual animals, lush plants and mosquitoes where there should be none. Believers claim thee arctic and Antarctic oceans flow into thee interior ov thee hollow earth merging with oceans on thee inside, seven tenths ov thee earths surface is water, seventy percent ov you is water, water is thee source ov all life. Science has never come forth with a satisfactory explanation for thee northern and southern polar lights, aurora borealis and aurora australis, they say these magnificent sky lights are possibly caused by electrical or magnetic storms at thee poles. Believers feel that thee borealis and australis are a reflection ov thee sun in thee interior ov thee earth, light from thee inner sun is emitted through thee polar openings, it bounces off thee earths atmosphere and is reflected back down on thee icy glare ov thee polar regions and we have these unusual lights. E think that thee inner sun is probably a dying star, and to tie it in with religious doctrine, if all thee mentions ov GOD in the bible really relate to thee sun god or RA then perhaps this inner sun relates to thee son ov god myth who was sacrificed or hidden to save us from sin, in fact its amazing how close thee word sun and sin are when you think about it perhaps they both relate to thee inner star? Legends and myths handed down from ancient times often contain important clues about thee interior lands, thee ancients knew there were these underground kingdoms. They listened seriously to accounts of god like creatures, fabled cities ov gold, thee watchers, subterranean tunnel cities and strange animals unknown to thee surface world. We’ve labelled these stories as folklore or mysteries, dismissing thee truths contained within them, yet folklore is thee invisible history ov mankind, think about it, loch ness, Egypt, Tibet, Stonehenge, thee Mayans, strange Neolithic temples, underground cities, sea monsters, dragons and caves, where did they put jesus’ body after thee crucifixion? Into a cave where some days later he is born again now E know this relates to thee sun at thee time ov winter solstice but there are duality’s here, all over it. There are stories ov an enormous cavern in thee lands ov Nubia, tunnels run for many miles under thee mountains, does any man know thee entrance to these tunnels? Travellers from those countries say thee doorways have been hidden, there are thee legendary mines ov old king Solomon, thee riches ov king Solomon’s mines was supposed to have been beyond comprehension yet no traces remain ov where thee thee rare metals were scooped from thee earth! What about Aladdin? Thee seven dwarves? Are all these based on ancient forgotten knowledge or just simply folklore? Tunnels beneath thee sphinx supposedly leading to an underground complex below thee pyramids are currently and secretly being investigated as we speak, occultists have maintained these stories for centuries, all ov mans history has been written down and deposited in vaults below thee pyramids (known as thee hall ov records) and elsewhere across thee globe, so where does that leave us my head spinning readers? Research it yourselves, investigate thee tunnels ov thee earth yourselves, there are plenty of references to Neolithic tunnels and caves here in thee uk and E am sure where you are too, get involved, find out for your self and if you discover something tell everyone!
(originally written for dream creation magazine 23/5/99 Avalon large)
“As he spoke “This is my palace…a light began to glow, and to pervade thee cave, and to obliterate thee stone walls and thee antique hieroglyphics engraved thereon, and to melt thee earthen floor into itself like a fiery sun suddenly up risen within thee world and there was everywhere, a wandering ecstasy ov sound, light and sound were one, light had a voice and thee music hung glittering in thee air. E am Aengus, men call me thee young, E am thee sunlight in thee heart, thee moonlight in thee mind. E am thee light at thee end ov every dream, thee voice forever calling to come away. E am desire beyond joy or tears, come with me….for my palace opens into thee garden ov thee sun””-A.E (George Russel)
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