Thee portal ov thee bubbling vortex
E was thinking about consciousness and memory and E wanted to get these ideas down so…E have always thought ov memories as bubbles inside my mind, thousands ov little bubbles ov times and sounds and foods and everything E have ever experienced ever stored away in a massive room ov bubbles and from time to time, a certain piece ov music or a familiar face can make you
re-experience that bubble again like a time machine ov sorts it can take you right back as they say, E have found even when writing , if E read back a certain experience or trip or way E felt for a second there E can re-taste that experience again even thee full on ones when everything went wobbly, are re-taste able so real experience and consciousness are stored in these little bubbles, now thee only thing E need to find out is if other people can taste those bubbles, hear that music, experience thee same consciousness, E find when E read other peoples work that it can happen but ov course only from my imagined perception ov what E thought occurred based on thee information given
But if this is thee case then sharing consciousness and free thought between individuals should be rife, E mean if we were all at this putting your thoughts on thee empty page game what could really be achieved? So come on let me hear your thoughts? Can thee war ov consciousness really be fought on thee empty page?
Thee only thing we have to fear is fear itself
Now some thoughts about portals…because what E have found is that as you meet different circles ov people through life you stay and migrate from one circle to another as you go along some people may stay in your circle longer but inevitably most migrate to other circles before too long, its thee circle ov life thing going on and its all good, E am not complaining about it E like it, what E am trying to get at is there is always someone in thee circle who becomes thee portal to thee next circle, thee doorway through to thee next period ov your life, ov course you can only realise these things after they have happened and having hindsight is a wonderful thing but there have definitely been some major portals in my life which led on to me being who E am, and again like the bubbles thing we use thee same phrase when we meet someone like that from our past a portal from our past, wow you take me back! So portals and bubbles are related to each other they exist in the same transient moments ov consciousness they are real and they are happening around you right now although you cant see that yet because ov passage ov time, thee other thing is sometimes you are instinctively drawn to these people your consciousness demands it and you can tell subconsciously that it is occurring but your conscious brain tries to tell you that it isn’t, don’t believe that conscious side so much that’s thee side that was trained by thee state to ignore this way ov thinking and to get on with being a slave that consciousness is a coward and it shows you nothing ov any real value but it can bring about thee bliss ov total clueless ignorance if you let it, but that path was never for me. Anyways somebody said that Stonehenge was a circle ov doorways and that got me thinking about a circle ov portals, because E have found that if you try and cross from one side to thee other at thee summer solstice then you always come out ov a doorway not opposite where you started no matter how hard you try, because that place when it is energized by people or portals becomes a vortex in the middle and they are not easy to cross, which makes me think if we make circles ov portals together with our friends, then we too can create a vortex, one which is impossible to cross, and this kind of chaotic energy may in fact be more useful in other rituals ov thee mind and energy raising statements ov intent to help free our consciousness and connect our portals to let the bubbles out and reverberate as one big bang, you could start a new universe with that kind ov bubble. So to sum up we are all potential portals, we are all full ov bubbles, and if we all get together we all become gods….ov thee vortex, good times. (08/2/10)
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