Pound ov flesh
Gale force wind and severe rainstorms in Tenerife, more dead soldiers in Afghanistan, freak twisters tearing up Queensland farms, thee ammo's running out for thee Taliban, thee dalai lama visits obama, thee Chinese note put out ov joint, Israeli secret service assassinate in Dubai, with British passports, no proof no point, this is just one day in thee media minefield, doing all they can to manipulate me, lies and half truths and deliberate rumours, they take their pound ov flesh and sleep soundly, a US plane crashes into thee taxman, there’s fears that Iran have a nuclear plan, a NATO strike kills with friendly fire, another suicide bomber goes off in Iraq, in Haiti thee missionaries kidnapping children, thee top UN climate official just resigned, armed robber with no jury goes on thee run in London, and they're trying to divert me with thee Olympic signs, can't stand no more in this media brainwash, they're sucking thee intelligence out ov me, lies and half truths all deliberate rumours. they take their pound ov flesh and sleep well it seems, and up in outer space they walk on thee space station, putting all their effort in tranquillity nodes, polishing and priming a million cameras, so nowhere on earth can we call alone, eyes in thee sky from these new age watchers, who somehow have to know what we all now do, as everybody fights over new technologies, are you spying on me now or am E spying on you? Just another day in thee media blackout, throwing out a blanket ov conformity, stealing all we own while we stand and watch them, they take their pound ov flesh and sleep well it seems. (18/02/10)
Secret diary ov an anarchist
E used to prepare for protests by listening to thee A team by conflict, it put you in thee mood for action and you would be gagging for it by thee time you got to thee meeting point. E always wore dark clothes with a black scarf tied around my face to protect my identity, a black zip up hoody is always good and if you tie thee black scarf right you can get a padded knot at thee back ov thee neck which protected me from a baton strike many a time. Gloves are handy too, no fingerprints on missiles you may launch and no fingerprints if there’s a chance for a bit ov community shopping, more commonly known as looting. Don’t underestimate thee power ov marbles, a bag ov marbles can do a lot of damage, you can throw handfuls into thee path ov charging riot policemen and E have seen them go over if they get them under their feet, plus E have smashed police van windows with one well aimed marble, with big cheers from my fellow protestors to boot. Keep moving when you are in thee crowd, don’t get trapped in by thee filth, be aware ov their movements and always go to work when you have at least two minimum ways to escape, always keep an eye out behind where thee scuffles are occurring, they do like to send in snatch squads from behind, remember they are dying to get their filthy hands on you, but they wont chance it if you stay with thee group and keep moving also be aware ov when thee numbers are shrinking and leave before there are too little left to defend, because thee filth suddenly get well brave when they have that advantage and will press home on thee ones that are left and most ov that lot will not be up for toe to toe fist fights, they will be too fluffy to defend themselves, and would rather shout “shame on you” with their fucking hands in thee air when thee filth come wading in, they will take a battering because ov that. E got no time for this Buddhist style protesting, plus they’ll be thee first to blame us for thee police’s actions and what do you call people like that? Collaborators E call ‘em, E mean look how well they do when we are not there to defend thee protest from thee filth, E mean… like the filth are ever gonna prosecute their own kind, that makes me fucking laugh, thee police are scum and always will be, think ov ‘Em as kiddie fiddling racists and you are still being far too polite about thee cunts, fuck being nice to ‘em, make ‘em scared ov you or they will at some point start beating thee shit out ov you for no reason at all, as soon as thee order has been given and they have gathered as much intelligence as they can, they will try to take control ov thee situation because they are robots and want you to obey thee law, no matter what, but eventually they will learn that when we are about en masse, its our fucking street And its time for some payback! They may have thee batons but we have thee marbles and we definitely have thee numbers so we should be all over them, trip them over ands stick thee boot in, take their batons and shields off them, use their own weapons against them, hit and run is thee vibe here! Like boadicea against thee Romans, guerrilla warfare we can win, its always been that way, don’t get drawn into a big battle in thee open, that’s how people get slaughtered, hit and run, stick and move, fucking ave it people, let them know how you fucking feel, take your tensions out on thee real fucking enemy.(19/02/10)
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