“And wisdom is wisdom, however come by” –Marion Bradley
Thee leaves are falling, thee leaves are falling, thee leaves are falling off thee tree ov life, this is thee only time E really feel alive, E am alive in thee big house, thee big house, E am alive in thee big house, thee big house, and nobody was and nobody is and nobody ever was because, and nobody was and nobody is and nobody ever felt like this, can you feel thee beat? Can you feel thee heat? Skyclad, thee Castalia foundation, chemical process, these are thee things, these are thee things, these are thee things that dreams are made ov, confusion in thee kaos ov thee city ov London, a mass ov colourful people, come together with thee drum, this is a people, protest party and its just begun, reclaim thee streets, reclaim thee towns, reclaim thee land for fun, we poured onto thee shepherds green, en-masse and start to dance, we blocked thee road to ease thee load and then we take our chance, around thee police roadblocks cause they’re standing in our way, over thee wall and up until we take thee old westway, surround thee trucks and stand together, until police back off, peel back thee sides, to our surprise, a sound system kicks off, a cheer goes up we’ve won, we’ve won, go crazy to thee sound, a living festival ov life plants trees in concrete ground. Receive, decode, and send it out, don’t believe thee T.V., Agitate, Educate and organise, open your eyes and look and see, sitting behind thee security camera, out ov view so E can look at thee sky, don’t wanna appear on no T.V. monitor, wont be a part ov a system ov lies, there’s someone watching me, watching you, there’s something watching me, watching you, nothing was getting on this moment, control needs time to exercise, like a user needs his fixing, like thee way E am drawn between your thighs, who is there? Watching, waiting, behind thee glass how many eyes? Who can access all you’re seeing? Who are you to watch our lives? (24/04/96)
Guru medication (inner space interface)
Let me feel it flow, from thee cosmos grow, thee go-go-ski show, coming up, explode, cause E clinched thee deal and E necked thee pill, and now nothings real, accept how E feel, twenty three visions ov light in my eyes, we are a family ov experience highs, got so much pleasure going in my mind, we all feel so happy to be alive, as thee current rises, up and down my spine, and space noises glide, through thee glass E ride, making tracks to a new sensation, opening up, to an old vibration, this is thee past, present and future, energy connection, sounds right through yer, body pump bass and a trance like beat, an ancient rhythm takes over my feet. Thee streets ov London ain’t paved with gold, they’re covered by thee homeless young and old, they cant go home and they cant stay here, they’re looking for a life without all thee fear, she has to be loved, everybody needs somebody, where we belong? No kingdom becomes, no you’re not real, where we belong. Lo Herne thee hunter is calling, can’t you feel him in thee sky? Yes thee hunt is on, it goes on and on, and we ride, we ride, we ride, beauty full ov beauty, living love heart beats to me, all E want and all E am, E am because ov you, your face is my dream, this is thee only time E really feel alive. (23/10/96)
Bedlam and life
Thee frenzied disposition ov love in reality, bedlam and life beside me, E don’t want but have to see, cant stand but E am mobile and prone to fits ov speed, why is it that thee majority cant be where they choose to be? Is this a conspiracy ov god? Thee bastard son ov man, is this a one-way ticket journey to find out who E am? E think it is, bedlam and life, E think it is, bedlam and life, E think it is. (1991)
Money time
Deep in and out ov thought, thee repetitive crescendo, ov aural pain and sweet to taste, E find no innuendo, if you rest then you are poor, if you work you work for more, time and money, money time, you no longer feel what’s right, but it gives you a means, as a means to its end, money time, nobody’s friend, money time, nobody’s friend. (1991)
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