Persistence ov resistance for existence
E see thee war, E see thee world, and in my heart my dreams unfurl, E see thee trees, E see thee death and my spirit feels it does it’s best, unbeatable odds they say, but E can see thee chance, nobody cares? They lie! We all still love thee dance, for as long as thee chance remains and thee chance remains immortal, there will be thee struggle ov chaos, thee chaos ov struggle, whether between life and death, right or wrong, between rich and poor or who really wrote thee songs, thee infernal twist to mankind is that he looks to someone else, and when he has that desire he claims all for himself, too much too soon ov a thoughtless action and never enough force ov a conscious love, bring about mans own reaction, too many ov men are too scared to be loved, especially by himself, especially by herself, especially by ourselves, et fini? We built hell, we walled ourselves in, and on thee walls ov hell are written, thee only truth E know, and in a desperate form ov talk, true life begins to show, thee genesis ov art it seems is not ov conscious descent, thee genesis ov art it seems on walls ov hell content, and from a whisper to a flame thee revolution breeds, to thoughts ov evolution where all are bound and free, E may burn, E may blister but E am same beneath, as what becomes all people if they learn to seek and reach, especially for themselves, especially for ourselves. (18/12/91)
What? (We all know)
Pulsations ov pleasure fill my skin and sail within, dreams ov nightmares fill thee wind and sail within, thoughts insane and sound controls and sails within, if space is space what’s through thee holes and sails within? A life that we have yet to know or a death that’s never reached, a birth between thee winters snow or death in buds ov spring, if life is this and death is that what sails within? If you’re poor or just aristocrat what sails within? Inside E drive, drive E inside, E sail within. (18/12/91)
Grey 6
In thee grey hills ov thee suburb, thee sight does not please thee eye, this is no space age dreamer with mind out in thee sky, thee ghetto’s are too crowded with a million nameless fiends, heads banging against each other and drowning out our screams, too ignorant to care, too easy to be down, too scared to speak our minds as we go round and round, they stole our community, our spirit, and our lives, and condemned to blame each other as it turns to harder times, when will we all awake? We have a cause to fight, to dream ov a reality, where choice is not a right but a sense, thee sixth sense is yourself, you are your sixth sense, learn to abuse it! Once more E build thee fortress, thee walls crumble know more, my head reaches for thee sky and my feet stay on thee floor. S.M.I.L.E L.S.D look see decide. (18/12/91)
“In ruthlessly destroying nature, man, who is also part ov nature, ruptures his own inner self. For mans unconscious is equated to and rooted in nature. And by our destructive and materialistic rationalism we have alienated our conscious self from thee earthly substratum ov our essential being…we’ve got to listen to thee voice ov thee secret and invisible spirit ov thee land itself” –Frank Waters
Poison in thee amulet
They raped and plundered her land, they raped and plundered her people, white men from thee west, approaching from thee east, great cities have been destroyed, in thee wake ov a new religion, but she, she has no religion, she is thee great witch, she will repel these foul invaders for crossing her sacred land, they try to force her hand but her hand is in hand with thee land, to end her heathen arrogance thee believers join to fight, to end thee reign ov snake who has beat them thousand times, “why do you hit me traitor?” “To stop them hitting me” “why do you let them traitor?” “To stop them letting me” Sarrounia, Sarrounia, thee end ov thee overlords brief reign, thee twilight ov thee gods, thee echo ov her agony will be heard in tents ov ours, all who know mans destiny in this cruel and bitter life, why are strangers killing our women and children? Why are our brave sons swinging from noose in trees? What is this new disease? And what does Jesus mean? A man must bow before thee storm-not horrors ov his war, defend your dignity and fight underneath our banner, Sarrounia, Sarrounia, we soldiers ov thee land have yet to play our hand, no rulers or believers, thee shells speak on thee sand, we need all our strength and all our fetishes, to conjure up our forces, to ward off thee aggressors, they are too rough for me, they are too real to me, thee generals feed on dead flesh, thee heathens feed on rice, deaths door it has no price, deaths door will not choose twice, are they scared ov a woman? No only ov her fetish, soon is not today or tomorrow but very far away, Sarrounia, Sarrounia, they did not wish for chaos that only she could bring, with powers ov thee ancients thee storm ov nature sings, thee lightning felled thee trees, thee traitors felled thee men, thee first ov many battles was won within her wind, they sing ov new religion, building a future prison, they sing ov Jesus lord and build a future law, thee tribal pagans will not falter, we will not leave thee game, we will die for more than life, we die to keep our name, for names will live forever, longer than our life, names will live forever, longer than our fight, we will resist for many moons, we will resist forever, an idols head they mock, it rides an albino body, he screams in fear and pain, not so quick to mock again, they’ve jumped into their hell, and taken all who mock, Sarrounia, Sarrounia, they swore to fight for thee white man, but her fetish is too strong, it eats hearts out ov their chests, no war, they’re going home, for Sarrounia, for Sarrounia, only those who scorn will be scorned, respect our fetishes and we will respect yours, what great deed would survive without theses songs? (08/12/91)
"What is a country without it's people?"-kikby rent striker 1973
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