“No amount ov force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free, no not thee rack, not fission bombs, not anything-you can’t conquer a free man; thee most you can do is kill him” –Robert.A.Heinlein
Spinning Whirlpools in my eyes while thee banshee wails
And it’s the day before, the day before the March and yes, E can feel thee anger rising, thee resentment grows stronger, heads together against thee world, society and thee holier than thou attitude ov thee police force. Will it go off like it did before? Will there be enough numbers? E hope people haven’t given up on the cause; this is a blow against our liberty ha! What liberty? It’s time to strike back, all thee things that piss you off in this world are caused by thee people in power and it’s now time to get them back, smash, disfigure, destroy (oh no a punk cliché). E don’t like to advocate violence, but we need a class war so that it can metamorphasize into peace, we need change, this has gone on for far too long, ten years on Lennon and E still believe in your dream, all we are saying is give peace a chance! When thee fighting is over we will be joined by a common bond for peace and freedom, 1990 will be thee start ov thee chaos generation. Thinking carefully about everything you do and what affect it may have on other members ov this planet, no more self centres, no more arrogance, no more security, no more pensions, no more loans, no ownership, but sharing a communal world, one world, one word…yes, no laws, if you commit a crime against a member ov thee world you are therefore committing a crime against yourself, there are no steps forward for thee self destructors, we must open minds and teach thee purity ov communal chaos, Crowley was right, do as thou wilt as long as it involves no crime against anybody or anything else, a sign ov thee times. (14/06/90)
Gather up your arms
Well E hate your world, E hate my life, E ain’t got no self respect, cos you tore my heart right out ov me and now there’s nothing left, as thee rich survive, while we starve and die, E curse thee air you breath, you can’t kill us all without a fight so bleed you bastards bleed. You preach we need a home and car, but you know we can’t afford, and if we find a better way, you break us with your law, you tax our food, you tax our drink, you tax all that we need, you take a half ov all we own to feed your missile scheme. Gather up your arms my children, it’s time to make a stand gather up your arms it’s time to take thee promised land. You sit in your palace in thee sky and sneer as you look down, we’re left to rot in this hell on earth as you wear your rose thorn crown, thee way you treat your fellow man is itself a mockery, but revenge will be so sweet my lord you WAIT AND FUCKING SEE, gather up your arms my children it’s time to make a stand, gather up your arms it’s time to take thee promised land. (1989)
“Exterminate all rational thought” –William S Burroughs
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted” –Hassan I Sahba
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