A word to thee wicked
E have a substantial understanding ov thee corruption ov this world, but you’ve already got me down, so now its time for you to burn, E give, you take and take and take, you’ve drained me ov my soul, E have put up with this shit too long, so don’t drag me through thee rigmarole, E don’t want no part ov you and you wont get no part ov me, E don’t want no part ov you and you wont get no part ov me,
E don’t want no part ov you and you won’t get no part ov me, ‘cause E wont ever be part ov you, and you will never be as free, E hate thee way you treat me, like a pawn in your chess game, how dare you try to control my life, when you and E are born thee same, how ever thee hell, thee way you treat me, someone will be treating you, why can’t people be honest no more? All your greed is showing through, there’s more to life than percentages, and profit and good returns, don’t you wonder about thee miracle ov thee age? Have you got an earth concern? There’s nothing safe about being rich, or having a nice new home, because you can be robbed, you can be raped and you can watch, as we burn your Rome, it’s time to think ov good ideas, for thee good ov all mankind, just thinking for yourself is a selfish way to ruin your worthless life, just give and, if everybody did, then this hellhole could be saved, everyone’s so fucking paranoid, and your money makes you its slave, E don’t want no part ov you and you wont get no part ov me, E don’t want no part ov you and you wont get no part ov me, E don’t want no part ov you and you won’t get no part ov me, ‘cause E wont ever be part ov you, and you will never be as free. (Slowly going over thee edge) (1990)
Change your mind
Don’t you question? Don’t you doubt or do you really believe what you read? Your stupidity and arrogance is just what E don’t need, in a world that’s on a time bomb, will you know? Or will you care? When your ignorance destroys you, will anyone know you’re there? You have your cross to bear, well E am striving to be free, and in a life that’s so unfair, you’re too blind on faith to see, that E am fighting for your freedom too, that E want you to understand, that love united is thee message for thee sisterhood ov man, and for thee brotherhood ov woman, and understanding ov acceptance, E will crucify my suicide, for you’re all part ov reflection, yes you’re all part ov reflection, and E will be your fucking mirror, to reflect what you fucking are, lost within your office blocks and polluting motor car, so lost in your own little world you’ve forgotten who you are, and where, and why and how thee fuck, you came to be right now, do you think you fucking controlled that too? Will you ever work it out? ‘Cause now’s thee time to realise, without a fucking doubt, we are reflections ov us all. (Lost timezone)
Sky streaker
Who’s flashing? Lightning strikes, who’s lighting up thee sky? Psychedelic from thee back, and you see me cry, man see thee show, oh, oh, oh, thee moon’s gone black and it’s starting to show, psycho strobe oh, zagging to thee ground, from thee edge ov thee universe, horizon’s moving around, set your hands on, its pulsing, its blinding thee blind, you don’t have to see it, its all, all, all in thee mind, my mind is a cavern, with running light walls, mist carried neon, disguises my feet, E have got, got it faintly, thee feel ov thee beat, thee rising ov music, is drowning my ears, star bursting my eyes, turn to thee skies, see thee racing trails, thee rider burns, into thee outside, inside brain, man everything’s one heap, no need to sleep, ride with thee streaker, ride, ride, riding with thee sky streaker, feeling alive, some kind ov stranger that everyone knows, you can see it in his eyes, feel it in his flow, electric existence from out ov thee sky, don’t need no reason, goes soaring by, flashes ov genius, spirals in mind, ride with thee streaker, ride, ride, ride, ride, ride, ride, ride. (Lost time zone)
Thee man with thee yellow helmet, don’t spend no time in outer space, he sits in front ov thee TV, permanently out ov his face, he don’t know how to cook his dinner, he cant get up before nine, if he had no legs he wouldn’t walk, he’s lazy all thee time, this man is so damned idle, blinded by his hood, drowning in complacency, he’s just no bloody good, and when he looks down, at thee tiles on thee floor, there’s just one thing, that we all cant ignore, they call him mellow yellow, and he just cant work out why, but thee pungent smell ov urine, is seeping from his fly, thee man with thee yellow coat, from his head down to his feet, with his reading rock and his spastic cock, he is guided by thee sweet, so thee yellow man from yellow land, and his two ton milk float girl, sing Jesus rhymes and live in hope ov a mellow yellow world. E sold my sins for sacrifice, E gave my life to Jesus, and now E am just a zombie brain, with no hope to release us, E opened up my soul, to find out what was alive, they opened up thee man and found a lobster inside, it was oppressive, it was obsessive, it was a hot dang gold satanic message, it was a twister, my brain was blistered, and now E wish my soul had never been infested, within this twisted mania, there’s a lot ov sense to find, to realign your self respect, and free your prisoned mind. Wisdom comes from intellect, wisdom comes from research, wisdom comes from dropping out, ov thee society world that burns, wisdom comes from thinking clear, and how can you be sure? You can never find thee newer world, until you lose sight ov thee shore, so endeavour for new experiences, and information far and wide, so you can let go ov this illusion here and reach thee other side. Ollie elevator is a psycho-topic, if you don’t take drugs you become an alcoholic, you find your fun, throwing up on your bum, you don’t take thee flower, you grab a six gun, you’ve got a problem you wont keep to yourself, you ruin the world and you ruin my health, make war on my senses, you make war on thee land, don’t you realise that people die, from your bloodstained hands? Aren’t you guilty in your ignorance? Because you can’t ignore thee blame, if you vote for war-making presidents, then you must be insane. Primer thee Russian punk monk, and his hordes ov steaming fondues, went snivelling from thee albatross, ‘til he had blue eagle shoes, and it’s only a wish away, if you fight our war, every day, in every way. (30/01/91)
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