Man ov oz
Space equals room to escape, thee gun shoots death, thee penis shoots life, how did we conjure up a monster in our midst? And why? is thee question we must answer, if looks could kill? Well here they can, your God has died ov boredom, innocent ov psychick violence, thee mirrored pyramid, apathetic or renegade…make your choice, welcome to paradise with total consciousness, sleep becomes obsolete, sleep and death are linked by an overwhelming desire to rest or end, we all have thee gift ov death, so few have thee gift ov life, E feel just like thee wizard, thee wonderful wizard ov oz, thee mask behind thee god, thee man behind thee mask. (25/09/91)
Hope chest
E gave myself to thee rhythm ov my fortune, and found my daytime existing in my boredom, but E will ride this crimson serpent for eternal, E will build my pyre and my anger always burns tall, E know E have lost my faith but faith is unbelieving, and God created all this hatred E am feeling, E wish upon a cross and find E am accursed, but living for your dreams is how E reattribute death, and now E am slowly sinking into thee fire, wasted like a baby, burning deep in thee night, immortally unknowing like majorities child, you will never quench my thirst until E am bathed in thee light, each night E never know tomorrow will be dawning, E am so surprised to find E wake up in thee morning, insanity excites me flowing deep around my being, E scream and shout at things E don’t know if E am seeing, E live in hope ov my salvation this dimension, E know thee crimes E have sinned put me beyond redemption, though E am crying E am burning in my minds eye, but E will never be at peace unless E am miles high, no E will never be at peace unless E am miles high. (1990)
Open for business 1992, to take more money from me and you, they’re already screwing us to thee ground, they’ve found another way to bring us down, you’re out ov school with no exams, no benefits out ov your hands, you’ve already lost your self-respect, getting paid pittance on thee Y.T.S, we’ve got no money, we’ve got no hope, we’ve got no homes, is this a joke? We’re poor already so face a fact, we’ll never survive your new poll tax, into Europe’s just fine for you, don’t you know just what you’ll do, as thee rich get richer and thee poor decline, you’ll just increase thee class divide, well there’s no way out and there’s no way back, after voting for another Tory cut-back, and when they’ve cut us down and there’s nothing left, you’ll be in our position and you’re going next, if we don’t stick together, if we never merge, we’ll be all off down thee river to a hell on earth, nip it in thee bud and then you’ll realise, thee power we can have if we all take sides, well nothings changed and it no more ever will, well E can’t let you off so E will send you thee bill, cause there’s no release and no anarchy, you’re breeding ignorance but you just can’t see, you don’t help no-one but yourself, and no-one cares except for their wealth, but thee time will come and you’ll realise, that you signed our death with all your alibis. (1992)
A better understanding
Falling like leaves off trees, crying in thee shadows ov thee dead ov night, praying so helplessly, standing at thee dawning ov a brighter light, merciful in thine own eyes, waiting and debating for a better world, looking to thee skies for signs, trying to teach a race that will not learn, thee mistakes that they made before, nothing to gain from another war, to fight for honour or is it greed? A better understanding is what you need, there’s beggars in thee streets ov gold, selfishly you walk away without a thought, ignoring all thee winters cold, you’re new fur coat will keep you nice and warm, you strive and say you long for peace, but still there’s people dying in nowhere land, you shouldn’t bite thee hand that feeds, why don’t you listen? Can’t you understand? Thee mistakes that they made before, nothing to gain from another war, to fight with honour or is it greed; a better understanding is what you need. (1989)
Well E have had enough ov this so-called longing, and E have had enough ov this fight for life, so don’t you dare tell me E am being selfish, when E have not much left to show as mine, gotta get out ov this poor mans circus, gotta get out and take what’s mine, gotta find myself a new beginning, gonna throw myself right down thee line, cause its time to make decisions, yeah its time to re-assess, cause there’s just no point in living, if you’ve no hope ov success, well E don’t wanna take no second places, and E don’t wanna see my love depressed, E just wanna see familiar faces, and live in hope ov happiness, cause there comes a time for do or dying, cause us welfare states do have our pride, and if E don’t win then E will die trying, you can’t bury my hate there at my side, you’ll see it on thee news one day, you mark my words, you mark my words, you’ll see it on thee news one day, as thee city burns, as thee city burns. (1989)
Make some fucking noise
Free future
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