Metaphysical trance zone, thee legion ov retrospect, secure within this mind scope E trip and take thee test, E live, E learn and yearn to give ov something and receive, E know ov E, E know ov me, E suck ov life and breathe, will you follow me? Will you follow me? So E can follow you, so E can follow you, nervous in expansion, frustration in control, thee movie has not started, until E choose my role, anti-bodies. (15/01/92)
Thee giggling and thee squidgy worm
Friday nite, feeling just rite, on a space flite, getting real hite, Technicolor strobe lights sends your brain into overdrive, me and thee buzz mellow tripping, candles and incense, west coast pop art experimental, music, music, music, seventh day eighth night, Czechoslovakian head film, rape, nudity, humungous milky white breasts, utter delirium and chaos, sewage, chilli pepper molesting, ice hockey, extreme violence, where are thee goddamned rules, lack ov sleep, Saturday morning, someone phones, brief to say thee least, too wrecked, scene phones, coming round, more acid, tripping by twelve, more acid, Thai grass, Malcolm promises 100 for a 100, bus trip with scene, giggling, giggling, giggling, Kew gardens, shops are much too heavy, lucozade…keep thee change, giggling nitrate headfucks, hot house, Asian heaven, palm trees, steam, fucking amazing, wet but not wet, sweat climbing thee spiral staircase, Jamaican psychedelic triffid plant, out ov here man, out ov here, staggering around, where does this path go?, it’s a tunnel, what’s in here?, a round room, time for a breather, E hear voices, elderly couple, Jesus they’re in for a letdown, giggling, giggling, cactus plants, ultra-violet desert, more giggling,” E think thee orange trees around here my little pigeon”, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, spiky plants, plastic trees, slide show, David Attenborough, wow watch those fuckers move, more nitrate, more nitrate, this is oh so groovy, leave lets leave, dozens ov nuns, giggling, giggling, in thee tunnel aquariums, big blast ov nitrate, brass handrails hold on tight, here it comes, twenty Japanese businessmen coming, same suits same shoes, thee urge to laugh becomes uncontrollable, giggling, giggling, leave lets leave, bus trip to home, ugly dyke twins, truly, truly abysmal sense ov beauty, back in thee familiar, after conceptions ov life and society, getting on like a house on fire, bottle ov mescal, giggling off-licence, some people say its magickal, oh wow, into thee pub discharge ov liquid, phone up thee buzz, not coming out bummer, round to purple sams but E don’t have to meet her parents, and neither did E, acid smiles and Blackpool eyes, home thee hug, busty and moog going out, hooray! Toast, toast and more toast, mescal and more acid, speed, E am not eating that fucking worm, purple Sam round, swig ov pure evil, scene squirming, worming guts spilt, swallow thee fucker, very brave, a hero, more mescal, thee doors, thee fields, thee acid, thee headfucks, white noise and mescal, getting tired, scene and purple Sam leave, on my own, drunken trip, cursing thee moog, brief food run, if… feeling tired crashing out at four, up at three Sunday meeting thee scene, video empire, thee worm has turned thrown up and curled and fluorescent yellow, giggling, giggling, thee mans a good friend you know, lets plan more acid, next week thee world is our agave, yeah you could say that was some weird worm experience man. (11/06/90)
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