When two met two and then made four and set out to experience all, and thee love we all shared interwove our affairs, and thee song in our hearts was so tall, as we took on whatever our minds threw at us and we laughed and we cried for thee world, thee ideas and friendship we built and defended to change for thee freedom deserved, then thee one agitated threatening our creative and it pulled our emotions apart, and thee twisting ov lies, thee undoing ov ties leaves a dark stain that tears through my heart, so thee two’s they divided and thee dreams were subsided by bitterness, conscience and hate, and E realised our roads were no longer abodes for thee one true Arcadian gate, but we each have our own ride that burns from thee inside that keeps us alive for thee fight, and thee road that E choose it will never abuse but shine with a perfect delight, and E hope that one day we will all meet again in thee rainbows ov our dreams, but up until then E say goodbye to my friends alone we must ride as a team, so what ov thee one did his needs now outweigh thee needing ov thee many, our objectives now mirrored, E for all you for one but E still hold you dear in my memory, and thee fight goes on and thee dream goes on and thee smile can still raise to my lips, and for change E will strive it will keep me alive until all can be free to exist, when two meet two and then make four and set out to experience all, all thee love you will share interweaves your affairs and thee song in your hearts will be tall. (And that’s all he wrote, O.U.R W.A.R. Fly on, thee torch keeps burning). (2:59 a.m 28/05/91)
So be proud?
So be proud, be proud, be proud ov what? Its hard to be proud when nothings a lot, nothing to stand for, nothing to say, name and number on a Brixton away day, when you’re void ov emotion and void to be sane, you end up fighting authority for day after day, and there’s nothing to live for and you’re too scared to die, and only trappings thee answer and you’ll live through thee lies, and being stupids majority and only few are switched on, to thee truth we are seeking and thee questions this song. A one-way contamination, a subnormal head down, so be proud?
My mind ov course was buzzing as thee Batman took me up, and thee Joker men went fuzzy as we passed thee red phone box, as we found a quiet corner and we jellied to thee floor, my worst hallucinogenic demon came with a mighty roar, smack head, oh leave me alone, smack head, my mind isn’t my own, smack head, oh man E can’t handle this, smack head, well did she really exist? My black stretch jeans were choking, thee wetness came and went, and the Lennon’s colours cosmic, it seemed was heaven sent, but as it all went kind ov mellow and my soul went unaware, E conjured up thee image ov thee communes worst nightmare, smack head, oh leave me alone, smack head, my mind isn’t my own, smack head, oh man E can’t handle this, smack head, well did she really exist? Thee perfection ov perception, perception ov detection, smack head, alert defection. (1989)
Dead flower, there’s a dead flower, its in thee old book shop, its deep inside my brain, there’s a dead flower inside my brain, all thee friends E ever knew, dead flowers, everywhere E ever flew, dead flowers, life is fucking sick inside, dead flowers, all that’s left to hide behind, dead flowers, dead flower, deep inside.
From thee frenzy to thee flame like a psychoactive moth, and as thee pitch black night comes down E am so glad E am not a Goth, in thee fields ov thee mission ov mercy E don’t scream in self-misery, E have thee cure they were looking for, self-expression on LSD, and thee sky turned black, and thee moon became blood, and my brain catalyzed to crystal, thee reformation has begun, sex and magick and drugs, you can never get enough, E wander through my ups and downs, E shout and scream without a sound, E ache and bleed for my insides, E wonder why E take thee ride, for no-one knows what only E, and no-one cares for lonely eyes, E wander through my ups and downs, E twist and sweat in my eiderdown, E should have thee brains to refuse, E do not remember walking thee stairs, mind thee hose, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, all thee poets take drugs in heaven, life is lonely without drugs, drugs without lonely is life.
They tried to teach me to hold a gun, they tried to tell me E was my fathers son, they tried to show me all thee evil E had done, when E could’ve sworn E was having fun, its in your head, its in your head, and nothings ever been said to me, its in your head, its in your head, and nothings ever been said to me, no, no, they tried to tell me E do too many drugs, and E told them it ain’t nearly enough, they tried to tell me that E have lost reality, but they’re too blind and they cant see, its in your head, its in your head, and nothings ever been said to me, its in your head, its in your head, and nothings ever been said to me, no, no. (Lost time zone)
Lost in a life that someone else has guided, lost in a time where all thee hope subsided, lost in a world without a freedom tasted, lost in a space that’s only mine when E am wasted, my days spent screaming in a world that’s too real, far too awake and E see all thee bad deals, my nights are a crippled blur, E am stoned and E see, a haze ov existence but how much is me? E am found in what E have found, we are lost in what we have lost, to forget is to die, to die is to forget. (1991)
What next?
E spiral earth matter, sun and earth, spirit and flesh, prudence and delusion, dominion ov fire, sun in its glory opposite thee essence ov thee question itself, thee water ov thee fire, thee air ov thee fire, thee fire ov thee fire, thee interference, thee truth, illusory death and transformation, love and good fortune, thee cruelty ov patience, go E, go E, go E, whirling symbol ov space, thee fruit ov a great tree, external splendour, internal corruption, destruction, thee first step in thee creative process, freedom from sin and death, Saturn, tau, between change and stability, power and energy, phoenix rise, thee mysteries ov Bacchus, throne ov flame, forty sixth cup ov chaos, accidental interference, dogma and convention, thirty three, thee unknown horseman, thee scorpion, thee fish, thee serpent, thee crown ov Osiris, eagle exaltation, thee salt ov thee earth, inherited blood ov unity with all things, thee heartless passion ov thee nine swords ov Thoth, clarity ov vision, spiritual in-sight, thee hope star, S.E.T, thee spiral earth tribe, know your future, take kontrole. (09/02/93)
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