Based on revelations? One man told premonition by three witches, his alter ego (his wife) makes him act out thee premonition to get thee gain before his time, question, did thee witches know he would react like this? Or would he have become king anyway? Answer, E think they knew he would react, when they tell him he will be safe from thee approaching army they give him signs ov thee times type references to beware (or to lure him into a false sense ov security) you will be safe until thee forest ov Dunsinane comes to your castle, impossible he thought, but it happened! No man born ov woman can destroy you, impregnable he thought, but it happened, was this written just to realign everybody’s fears about thee book ov revelations? Or was Shakespeare a mystic? Was he popularising thee use ov magick or condemning it? Condemning it E believe, thee moral seems to be don’t trust witches, Shakespeare was more than likely a Christian preaching his beliefs or was censorship used? Is Macbeth exactly as he wrote it? Or has it been re-biased by powerful religious freaks to uphold their power-orientated belief? Thee time has come to question control! Where is your God? Where is your saviour? E can tell you where, there inside that book and that’s all, he’s a fictional product ov a fascists mind, E will burn this fallacy ov untruths, may your lord God strike me down if what E do is a sin, still alive, aren’t E, if you believe this shit then you need serious help, Jesus Christ, a misunderstood, power frenzied loner, who was rightly crucified on a huge prick to prove to him that he was wrong, God, a dream figure who does not exist, Moses, thee first sinner to fuck up young, creative minds, an ego-tripping attention seeker, thee writer ov lies and contradictions, don’t talk to me about second comings, don’t talk to me about sin, because Jesus Christ wont hear your prayers, because he does not exist, don’t bow down before an unknown force, you’re just falling for their lies, they’re just trying to make you satans slaves, they are stopping you from being wise, their fascist twisted lies control, and its time that you were free, we don’t need no leaders, need no rules, we only need you and me. E sit, E hear thee whistling wind, and sun screams through thee trees, E feel like someone’s watching me, down here amongst thee leaves, and thee twentieth century spoils my peace, as a juggernaut screams death, and E wonder if E will look one day, and E will find theres nothing left? Just how long can E continue to play? It gets stronger and harder now every day, and no E am not being honest with them or myself, this stress this creates cant be good for my health, E can see thee love and E can see thee hate, E condemn thee church as E condemn thee state, how can E live without taking thee risk? Controlled schizophrenia is how E exist, boredom preaches anger E have got too much time to think, E can see through my eyes just how low some can sink, a brainwashed population taught to lie, steal and cheat, not understanding how they’ve become Gods sheep, war, war, war, all you fight for is war, you don’t give a damn that all knowledge is pure, you’re never gonna save this tainted earth, if all you yearn to do is fight and curse. (1990)
Delirium, giddiness, E am out ov control, for Gods sakes E held a tittle-tattle conversation with a salesman about lucozade, E think that threw him, E have been saying good morning to everyone, cant stop talking, cant stop thinking, this is quite incredible, its not recommended for thee paranoiac though, cause that’s a mother fucker, and if that fucking slime-ball, smell-pit makes one more fascist comment about how good it is that thee U.S and U.K are going to attack Saddam Hussein, then E shall pour a bottle ov white spirit over his head and hold a lighted match in front ov him so he can see what it is like to be threatened by overwhelming evil odds, no man, mellow, mellow, violence is never an answer, or is it? Why have a wish to hurt or destroy any living things? It serves no real purpose unless you are killing to protect but there’s thee paradox you see? What is worth killing to protect?
Quote from radio GLR 21/08/90 12:20p.m “Hussein is an atheist so he must therefore be executed”-Sir Anthony Parsons, “western powers don’t need no more U.N authority to take action in thee gulf”-Margaret Thatcher. (21/08/90)
Thee creation ov thee art life manifesto
All art created is valid, all art created is life, all art created can bring about change, therefore all art created is valid, we can strive for recognition and illumination through art, thee art is thee manifesto, thee art is thee magick, thee art is thee drug, thee art is thee life, thee art is thee method, thee art is thee way, about art way is change thee, art way is change thee about, way is change thee about art, is change thee about art way, change thee about art way is, thee about art way is change, is change thee about art way, thee about art way is change, art way, thee way, is art, thee name? Thee Bryan Spygar head fuck unit in full effect. Suck my fucking wake. (1990)
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