Dream on forever
Pouring from inside my brain, ecstasy and acid reigns, glowing like thee emberred smoke E still feel it in my throat, wondrous seas ov E-motion flow over me, skin is a wave ov bubbling cherubim, fine to a splendour from inside my eyes, head to thee wall as my giggling flies, reflection ov sometimes and never a game, thee world can be thoughtform from inside my sane, and with something else first, entwined in thee mystery thee teller can tell, you can become my puppets as E weave you a spell, and thee eyes golden wider on thee banks ov thee Nile and thee murderous hatred from thee bulrush to a child, and thee tall ships ov yester can sail fine no more, as thee task metal forces dis-o-bey all laws, and confusion runs riots and thee pain ov lonely, metamorphosis started by one and thee only, from colours and dreaming comes truth from thee lies and truth can be only known by thee wise, dream on forever, forever’s no dream, cut thee puppet strings. (03/10/91)
Thee just once
From once to an always with foetal attraction, thee sense that is found in a seeming less action and fools to thee rhythm that nature can bring, sensitized ov our hate with an anger E sing and thee force ov my love like a burning desire, keeps my head in a vice and my feet in thee fire, like a wild beast incarnate, E will grow with my want and will dance for my soul and will live for my song, there’s a love for my anger, an angry love, that has roots in thee earth and is reaching above and it spreads like a dis-ease, infecting your skin and unleashing thee powers that freedom can bring, so all can be all-ways and free to be free, we can live with thee power and live with our sins, we’re all royal deities we’re all noble scum, life can be lived full and life can be fun, from once to an always, always once, thee just once. (05/10/91)
A crippled testimony, a rotting philosophy, a false prophet, a misguidance ov trust, a poisoned sense ov truth, a hypocrisy, a contradiction, a lie… That’s what Jesus is.
My head in cosmic overdrive, my conscious joined by my subconscious, am breathless, smiling, giggling, through thee spiralling rainbow galaxies, E see all and nothing, both indeed are truly valid, to my true self. E feel pure like a newborn child, E can see thee venomous lies that have been told to me, E want to remove them, they are nothing to do with me, they are to do with nothing, thee pictures on thee ceiling become what they are not they become other selves, faces, microscopic views ov life, plasma, cells, breathing fractals, thee inside out not thee out inside, my whole body orgasms, every nerve a pleasure, a climax, a constant change ov pleasurable feelings.
Thee rush, thee ferocity ov window shopping on speed, thee lust ov danger, thee freak show ov null and void integrity, thee home run, thee rest before more intake, thee calm before thee storm? Nay thee storm before thee calm, conversation beckons, those fireworks suddenly did thee trick, explosions in sound, sense and vision, watch those colours hear that screeeaaammmm thee evening wears on, thee speedopeh joints go down, thee body buzzing in ecstasy, feeling every note ov music through every pore ov pleasure, thee head gets heavier, thee room spins round, thee colours on thee wall changing into another eternity, E float, E swim, through thee rivers ov consciousness, E can begin, to enjoy experience to find my way, not run around in circles, wasting my day, every hour a lifetime, every second a day, thee breakdown ov their time, a freedom, insane, playing games with myself where E win and E lose, and E not schizophrenic and E just not a fool, E am whole, E am centred, E discuss to be me, E am male and E am female, E have taste ov thee free. (1990)
“To fathom hell or soar angelic just take a pinch ov psychedelic” –Dr Humphrey Osmond
“Thee experiences and perceptions that seemed to be achieved through thee use ov acid made it and other mental stimulants a very substantial part ov our lives. While being under thee influence certain things became so pronounced and real that E couldn’t help but believe in them long after thee drug had worn off” –Charles Manson
E can’t make my mind up
Can’t say yes, can’t say know, can’t say stay, can’t say go, E can’t make my mind up, E can’t make my mind up, E can’t make my mind up, it’s an epitaph for my life. What in hell am E doing here, why can’t E be free? What possessed me E must be mad, not sure if this is me, better than nothing oh E don’t know, in nothing there’s always something, why have they got a hold on me? Even though E tried to dump them, Jesus Christ what have E done to end up this confused? E not sure what is thee best, there’s no safety in these rules, for God’s sake there is nothing here, no in-ter-est from me, money ties you up in knots it doesn’t make you free, can’t say yes, can’t say know, can’t say stay, can’t say go, E can’t make my mind up, E can’t make my mind up, E can’t make my mind up, it’s an epitaph for my life. If E never had a life before…E got one now, if E never had a now before E got one life. (Lost time zone)
On top ov old Smokey E take LSD, my heads just exploded but at least E am free, E urge you to try some to see what it does, there’s a whole new experience with these wonderful drugs. Life is full ov it’s ups and downs it is said, mostly experienced uncontrollably by thee unthinking masses, but a user has control ov these experiences, he knows exactly how he is going to feel for thee next approachable time period. Any experienced drug user knows how much will do what for how long, we are thee prophets to thee freedom ov thee new generation, we are to come together, they are to fall apart, do you grok?…thou art God. (28/09/92)
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