Thee zonked out ov my gourds prayer
E gave thee gourd laudanum and whispered with my groovy chicks, half further, pop art in heaven, mellow be my game, high mid-term drugs, thy bill spoil fun, bong burns like ecstasy in haven, live us this game your acidhead, and Gaye Bykers more guest passes, LSD up my nose freak dancing on my bus, my beads, my pot, my space station, but E don’t use a needle, my mind out thee window, a flower sing before me, E have never been better, far out. (1990)
Thee freak
So many beautiful things to see, amphetamines and LSD, a new world to inhale, hashish and pot for sale, coming out into thee sun, with peyote and opium, as natural as thee moon, morning glory seeds, magic mushroom, substances ov thee universe, so much to know, so much to learn, there exists within no kind ov sin, it’s not output it’s taking in, there is no death there is no life, just up and down or low and high, there is no beginning there is no end, like a butterfly we return again, E do no crimes against thee state but these substances E must not take, your hold on power is very weak yet E am thee one you call thee freak. (1990)
“Thee world is a thought, its entire existence can be found in that which thinks it” –Bill Schull
“There are ranges ov consciousnesses that most people have no contact with, but unconsciousness is simply another level ov consciousness. Unconsciousness does not exist in thee universe. Consciousness can be found in thee animal, thee plant, thee atom in everything ov nature. We are not fully awake if we do not experience consciousness in nature” –Mad Bear Iroquois medicine man
E keep getting confused E can’t concentrate, E didn’t figure that my life was in such a state, E can’t open my eyes E can’t shut them tight, E can’t wake E can’t sleep, Can’t turn on thee light, and E know that everything could be so much better, if only E could get my head together, well E am feeling so hot and E shiver with cold, well my brains feels young and my body’s so old, E don’t wanna live and E don’t wanna die, why should you come down when you wanna fly, and I know that everything could be so much better, if only E could get my head together, as my brain is falling apart as my life is falling apart, as the world is falling apart E know my paranoia is just thee start, but E know when E am sick and E know E not well, and E know that my heaven could exist in hell, and E know E have been fooled by thee god ov thee night, but E am sure that white rabbit knew thee way to thee light, and E know that everything could be so much better, if only E could get my head together, and E pray that everything will soon be much better, my goddess can’t you help me get my head together, and E scream for thee fact that it could be much better, E only have to try to get my head together. (1989)
Hallucinogenics will set you free
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