In thee engine flowers liberty, eyes opened wide to what E see, in choosing something outside thee law, E realize just who its for, in being all that E can be, E live my time to just suit me, and in my heart and in my mind, is a future dream for all my kind, raise a fist for all to see, come on raise that fist with me, don’t look back and be angry, this is a show ov unity, from thee ghetto comes a rainbow cloud, lets put a voice to thee systems sound, to stand together not stand off, and drop it with that blanket stuff, stop thee fear and jungle duels, its these divides that make them rule, let our people go and grow, our place is together and everyone knows, raise a fist for all to see, come on raise that fist with me, don’t look back and be angry, this is a show ov unity, class A, a way ov life, psychedelic abuser, ahoy me hearties, don’t drink and drive, take trips and fly, shiver me timbers, oh no its thee urban pirates! A digital orgy, a riot in thee eye, all colours scream primal, all orgasms cry! Noize-making, liberating, urban built, revolutionary, one-lovin’, acid testing, sleep depriving, dope smoking, rizla rolling, thought provoking, agitating, organising, rabble rousing, avin it, thirst quenching, freedom fighting, law breaking, trespassing, beat repetitive, pagan raving, celebrating, easy living, public new-sense, free thinking, tribal drumming, tekno loving, now-age travelling, protesting, world squatting, peace puzzling, state hating, mud lovin, hunt sabbing, lip smacking, computer hacking, drug taking, pleasure junking, people powered, anarcho funketeers 2000. (2000)
Yes, thee universe can hear you scream
Raining ideas, reigning E fear, E can see now, misty but vision, E was walking through a strange land, there was a rough path, through these strange jungle like undergrowth, translucent green alien cabbages, psychlic purple jamonia trees with thee jaggernoit fruit on every stem, thee perpetual yellow schwigoid bush with thee famous schniggy dum rot eating flower present on every lime green follicle. Then a sound, in thee undergrowth some form ov life form, a creature? Yes….its thee freaky deaky creature and its come to suck out our eyes and bow down our foreheads, it wants to fuck our heads! No, E think its going away, probably to tie another wood pigeon to a branch, so thee poor bastard can only look around and watch thee triple moon sunset but cannot partake in thee veemy yoo yoo sacrifice which partakes at every sun, sun, sunset, set, set, a personification ov hallucinogenic demonic visions within thee curled sphere like corridors ov my mind, a wall ov jumbled chaos and virtues, thee moralities ov thee faculties ov what once was a paradise on earth and is now a mass ov hypocritical clichés, an unvalid conception, a brain scan ov thee cosmos, a need for a seer ov tomorrow. (25/06/90)
“Looking into space takes so much out ov you, when you go inside yourself you leave yourself outside, when you go outside yourself you leave yourself inside”-Hawkwind log june12 2211bc
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