E will speak ov war, E will speak ov peace, E will speak ov thee demons, E will speak ov thee priests, E will speak ov thee mountains, E will speak ov thee pits, E will speak ov thee gifted and society’s shits, cause you’re putting us down and you’ve stolen our crown, but E will never stop speaking, never stop speaking, and my brains spinning round in thee hole in thee ground, but E will never stop speaking, never stop speaking, no, no. (Lost timezone)
London 1992
BRIGHT LIGHTS, thee thing people always remember about thee city is thee fucking bright fucking lights, but it’s not as simple or as joyous as that really. Thee city is full ov beggars and thieves, vulgar, scum sucking, gluttons ov wealth and false liberty, life is a prostitute, a travesty ov love, life fucks you over and all it wants is your money, when you have very little and you lose it so fucking easily, you have to come to terms with your own stupidity, but you see every night in your city, beggars, drunkards and thieves feeding off thee next sucker, there are so many shit deals going down in your fair city right now that E can see a real rebellion in not buying drugs, how many people got burned tonight? How many people actually get good drugs on thee street? There are no fucking good drugs on thee street, everyone’s being ripped off, no-one got high, no one thought and nothing ever fucking changes, these scum fuckers from thee vermin ov filth, they just want your fucking money, this city is a-living in thee true gangsta- style, shitting on your own to become what you used to fucking hate, thee rich vulgar scum suckers, all this inward bio-feedback ov disillusion and bitterness, no good can come from this. Peoples stupidity has started to turn in on itself creating more war torn scum sucking disillusionment, a fifth and higher degree ov filth, degree ov scum, how much can a man hate itself for how long? Is this to remain? Working class people gorging themselves on hate and scum, and there is no-one you can trust anymore, if anyone’s getting high its not here in thee city, thee only kicks to be found here in scum city is thee vulgar gorging ov flesh, thee dead animals are easily come by in thee city and its legal too, but who is thee scum? It is our people, our fucking people are so fucking ignorant, and vulgar and prostituted, and sad and grey, ignorance is hip, anger is bliss and all that happens now will be worse as time goes on, like a merciless pimp, exploitation ov thee scum ethic means more and more scum will follow, E hate thee city because its where E will die in roach infested scum sucking bliss, bad day bliss. E am sick to my fucking stomach with meat-gorging scum, who is thee fucking stupid one now? At least E know what E feel is real, thee only real thing in your scum sucking life is thee dead animal that you didn’t kill yourself, but you fucking gorged your whole fucking self on thee taste ov dead flesh scum suckers, vermin ov filth, death will plague you, from death comes death, just like your pseudo scum religion, old habits never die but gorge on war torn flesh ov thee innocents, and like a plague it will find a way ov extinguishing itself, and there will be nothing, but pure unadulterated bliss, fuck money, try bliss. (1992)
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