Killjoy’s progress
And yes they go to war again, for religious difference they will murder and die, for small pieces ov land they will risk all, they must have nothing better to do with their time, they must love it. And it’s all for thee wrong reasons, for thee wrong god, for thee wrong heaven, this must be their utopia and will always be their utopia, what a waste ov life, what a waste ov time, do they not understand that there is no way forward this way, round and round and round they go an eternal hell, being reborn again and again into this evil dimension, never retaining any memory or knowledge ov previous incarnations, never learning, never progressing, E do not want this to happen to me. Every time you partake or experience a psychedelic drug, you therefore become a bit more psychedelic, another ounce ov brain space memory banks filled with essential ways ov thinking and beautiful thoughts and sights, thee object, to gain thee knowledge, thee aim, to become more psychedelic, thee utopia, knowing how to be more psychedelic, to gain that feeling always, that utter beauty, thee euphoria ov confusion and conception, thee deep side ov all kind, ov all nature, ov thee universe. Surfing through thee galaxies, thee colour rockets through me, amalgamating energies, an existence built on beauty, E do not wish to cry any longer, so wipe away my psychedelic tears, and teach me how to fly, E know that there’s no heaven, E know that there’s no sky, E know there’s no method but E know E cannot die, escaping from this loophole, run streaming through thee trees, thee clouds that part before me are an illusion ov my dream, E swim, gain height, gain know-how, to escape this bitter end, set me free, let me live my way, because it makes more sense to me.(02/08/90)
“Thee idea ov god implies thee abdication ov human reason and justice; it is thee most decisive negation ov human liberty, and necessarily ends in thee enslavement ov mankind, both in theory and practice” –Michael Bakunin
Don’t Lose Sight
Sitting here alone E can be conscious ov thee rage, my every little thought becomes a word upon thee page, thee walls are all around they wont be windows ov my life, am taking a stand you understand, E speak as is my right, thee place where we all living is a mist before my eyes, ‘tis nothing more than gangsters law held up by TV lies, there is no god or heaven, there is only sun and sky, so take thee chance and dance thee dance and always question why? Now listen up all me people, keep yer ears down to thee sound, it’s open eyes and opened minds that holds thee higher ground, don’t lose sight ov thee future coz it’s what will come will be, don’t lose sight ov thee reasons we will set our people free. Freedom, freedom, dream on, yes E will coz E believe, no harm in what E doing, E try to set thee spirit free, thee mother she is waiting for her children to return, remember where you came from it’s thee only way to learn. There’s good and bad in everyone and old and young and mad, different colours in our rainbow but it’s everybody’s flag, and we’ve got love and angry love and pockets full ov time, to hold on strong until we make thee punishment fit thee crime, so big ups to thee roughnecks and protestors in thee trees, come get down with thee bad boys, bring thee system to it’s knees, thee junglist, thee anarchist, thee tekno head, thee thief, if we steal our world together then together we’ll be free. (07/09/98)
Our heartland
A new beginning, our destinies change like thee weather, we are born to find our heartland, and forever we must seek our spiritual enlightenment and our personal peace ov mind, we have found our space and nobody digs our music or understands our crimes, but thee world an endless cycle, seems able to pass thee time and E just choose to let go, and E am reborn again, for we are made ov angels and you are born ov clay, and we are thee ones in danger while you just look away, in our symphony ov existence what we are is born today. Thee new day ov summer approaches, thee birds sing passion ov life, thee sky is not as at Beltane, but E still feel as high, Thee concrete jungle surrounding, they know not what they do, but they are a product ov nature, thee nature ov me and you, thee wind blows in a new poison and naturally new disease, let’s hope that it’s thee final one that liberates all breeds. (07/05/92)
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