Art disease, art-dis-ease, E find thee fragments E locate together, psychedelic genocide hell bent forever, E found my true self by losing my mind, hell insanity is thee love that E find, and now E rise like a phoenix from thee flame, E wont be dictated like thee rules in your game, and thee bus moves onward E don’t wanna get off, E am on for thee round trip no matter what cost, I’ve got an art dis-ease, I’ve got an art dis-ease and all theses things are a part ov me, E break thee code and re-invent my own, E get lost in space but it’s my only home, E tear thee back ov my head until it bleeds, pain and pleasure is thee sin that E feed, and deep within me E feel thee power surge, and through my eyes my ears can learn, you can’t lock me up because inside E am free, like Satan, drugs and sex, E make you scared you see, disease ov art, disease ov mind, mutation masturbation, magick makes you high, disease ov god, disease ov man, E will do what E want to while E can. (Lost timezone)
Lifetimes a dream
This world is topsy turvy, where good is bad and bad is good, confusion reigns, E wish it wouldn’t and E know E could, where up seems down and down means up, there’s more than one meaning to thee term ov fucked, and physical can be mental and they both can be thee same, E don’t believe in thee word insane, within my mind thee maze it twists, there’s nothing to be gained by slashing your wrists, and round and round and round we go and when it stops nobody knows, but a head probably does, in front ov, behind, above me, besides, nobody can have a head like mine, so be unique and only you know how, and why and wherefore, here and now, lifetimes a dream, and dreams are thee time ov your life, non-existent except to you, no fantasy all reality, your own personal reality, don’t be dominant, don’t be submissive be sadomasochistic, if you choose then choose your truth, only you and you only, respect and love ov all others, and you will receive thee same, thee game, thee brain, don’t be restrained, do you lose? Do you bruise? Confused? Renew, be true, be you, do! (1990)
On my wall
Well this is all very strange this is not quite right, didn’t know that there were this many colours at night, E know that song but it just don’t sound thee same, E feel like thee boot in a monopoly game, does anybody know just what thee hell is going on? E have lost all sense ov time and my memory has gone, did we? Have we? Should we? Are we really here at all? E don’t quite remember all those patterns on my wall, E try to get together but my head is blown apart, E can’t recall when thee delirium starts, E am feeling kinda shaky and my stomach is weak, E guess E have really lost it but it’s so groovy, it’s so far out and strung out in thee universe, it’s not getting any easier thee pleasures getting worse, thee breathing walls are smiling as thee colours fall, E am looking through thee Alice as thee rabbit calls, E am late, E am late, E am late, in a state, E am late, E am late, E am late, inner state, E am late, E am late, E am late, in a state, E am late, E am late, E am late, E feeling great, thee confusions and illusions are beyond this world, E have to master this conception, E have to try to learn, E wont oppose this magick no E just wont fight it, E don’t know where E am but E know E like it. (1990)
Public Disorder Act
Thee allaw states that all persons regardless ov race, sex, creed, wealth, religion and age have thee rite to express their selves in any whatsoever form they may choose to. That all said persons may gather and move freely about thee land in whatever direction they choose. That all said persons have unconquerable rights to their own bodies and to do with them whatever they will, with whoever they wish to. And that said persons may have complete choice ov all substances and herbs that may benefit their experience ov life. Without questions there are no answers, animals are persons too, with a rite to life. So mote it be. (1992)
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