Deep hell
There ain’t no hell below, this is as deep as it gets, There ain’t no hell below, this is as deep as it gets, There ain’t no hell below, this is as deep as it gets, and thee buck stops here, E never knew no happiness, E only knew thee pain, my life is one big battle and E am breaking from thee strain, E will never get to taste heaven before my chosen time has come, so E will rot here in my self pity until thee battles won, E am frustrated with my anguish, E am sick ov being alive, E know that life’s much better when you reach thee other side, when E get high E am happy ‘cause E am not here on this earth, but you have to comedown sometime and thee comedown is thee worst, when you’re treated like shit, you act like shit, and shit is what this is, am E thee only one who cares to die than in reality exist? Thee earth is hell ‘cause you never get thee things you dream you want, thee sins have warped this sceptered isle into a sea ov souls, E cry, E scream, E shout at walls, E smash and E destroy, but it doesn’t solve my hang ups, E only do it to annoy, these bastards wont ever get me down, my mind will never change, and on judgement day you fuck ups will understand my rage, There ain’t no hell below, this is as deep as it gets, There ain’t no hell below, this is as deep as it gets, There ain’t no hell below, this is as deep as it gets, and thee buck stops here. (1990)
So what are we gonna do about it?
Trunk billabong, jelly belly, sally armistice, desirable death squad, deadly medley was a rector, his dress was split and green, he had a carcass up his rectum, because he took him to tea with his mince pick minister, find your warthog in your libido, smell thee lemon bollard, bolly, bolly what a dolly and a lump of turd, burnt head baby boogie and we made a Douglas hurd, cinders, cinders burnt and black, pierce my fetid scrotum sack, kiss me Jesus and E will shit in your hair, but don’t worry ‘cause E don’t care, fly, fly in thee sky, up very high with apple pie, ‘cause E will never die, a spoon or a spy? And ask myself why? Should E cry? No E must try, to learn half ov mine and to swim in thee Tyne, and to love Phillip snide and go cricket wide, twenty five years ov spanner parties and spotty botties, hello my lovely sheet ov white cuddlesome, margarine cottage breath, paranoid strangled throttlers in a bath ov suet and E lost my fifteenth finger in a bottleful ov marbles, plastic mottled wheels ov slight blue trim, designed fit snugly in thee elderly craniums, brain damaged snail cars in a crash on thee highway to lemuria, star flight to transcend dogs from earthly bounds by way ov dynamic catalytic diplomacy, pull my turkey knee cap swim, E scream and E fall within, within, amongst and in between thee hybrid heifers ov incandescent nuclear souls, manny, manny, hur, hur, hur many, birth ov birth sample and tightly wrapped for freshness but allow to shrink before distraction and make a custard neutron bomb, let us prey on those with sun readers brains, please, please, please lovely son, son can we play with thee dream machine? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, noooooooo, no flap, tick tock, wild boing soup, kitchen eeza skeeta, noo noo woodpecker, its never me is it? Or is it? Who cares about thee plopping poops and cats cack, E don’t want to play anymore, nor do E, so lets stop this nonsense, it’s so pernicious isn’t it? (1990) (Freeform acid head fuck)
Thee tide (songs ov sea and shore)
My eyes take in, thee sea and shore, thee edge ov time, thee final score, as E watch thee sea, in its endless crime, forever thee same, running out ov time, thee body weightless, upon thee tide, thee only place, where E can die, my mind is flowing, my soul is sinking my body drifts out, E am truly thinking, here E lie now, face down in sand, was once confused, now understand, thee mystery, as old as time, revealed to me, in salt and brine, as dry as sand, yet soaked to skin, my destiny, so damp within, E walk eternity, along thee shore, age old secrets, are through this door, E have escaped, thee reality, E have now found, nightmares and dreams, thee cold bleakness, and thee vast space, forever ocean, E forever chase, thee loneliness, is sinking in, feel my virtues, become sin, my mind is floating, my soul is sinking, my body drifts out, E am truly thinking, is it me now? For a moment, can you see me? Thee real me floating, and it reigns, over me, in this moment, love, like an ocean. (1987)
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