People are people so why should it be? You and E should get along so openly. This time is your time, this life is your life, this land is your land, this freedom is your freedom, this world is your world, this space is your space, this river is your river, this forest is your forest, these people are your people, this fight is your fight, this right is your right, this home is your home, this need is your need, this voice is your voice, this choice is your choice, this love is your love, this message is your message, this trip is your trip, this is for you, this is for all, this is all there is. So when do we take control ov our own existence? Only we can set our people free and we can only do it together, ketamine=heroin=a prison ov your own making, there is nothing subversive in addiction. There is no glory in death. There is no future in running away from reality. Examine life and your reasons for existence. Take drugs to enhance life not escape from it. Spread love and equality not fear and division. Patience. Focus. Keep your eyes on thee prize. Trust your own feelings. Do your own thing in your own space. Do together things in thee together space, unify, grow, understand thee universal truth, all things are connected in all ways, from this there is no escape, everything you do, every motion you make, every feeling you share, every potion you take, every thought in your head, every word that you said, every smile that you give, every day that you live, every hand that you shake, every friend that you make, every sense that you have, like a subconscious map, affects all that receive, energy flows between, and within conscious beings, and it has an effect, on how everybody feels, about everything and everyone. We are all connected in all ways and forever, we will all dream thee same dream, help each other to awaken thee spirit that lives deep within us all, nourish yourself and then nourish others, spread as far and as fast as possible, expand consciousness and we can achieve thee impossible. One love. Love life. (13/09/99)
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