Different rain
E guess you could say E have got a problem, E guess you could say that E alienate, guess E look at thee world through a different sunshine, guess E live in a world with a different rain, but though thee cards are stacked against me, and E am thee lost black sheep in a storm, E will never give up thee quest for nobility, E will never back down E wasn’t born to conform, E guess you’ll never find me with a lot ov money, it’s not money E want, it’s just to create my art, E can’t comprehend this lust for materials, possession ov money is no possession ov heart, E can’t begin to understand thee minds ov our government, can a human being really be so cruel? This stinks ov a deteriorating population where you can’t work to eat and you can’t learn at school, you wont find me standing below a leader cause thee worlds corrupt especially those in charge, E am my own judge and jury, don’t believe thee media, these parasites thrive on making life so hard. (1989)
Four and twenty hours can change so much for all, you could die, be killed, run headlong into a wall, your brain could be severed, you could be crippled for life, you could fall, you could drown, you could rape and kill your wife and it happens everyday so why isn’t thee revolution here? It could only take twenty four hours if thee message was received clear, what we need is unity, a dream for all and everyone, a freedom, an acceptance, understanding, thee death ov paranoia, thee death ov lies and mistrust, thee end to war and disease, thee end ov a need for religion, thee end ov a need for hate, an all encompassing love for all and all, a love for everyone, let’s do it. (1990)
Some people
Some people should question their own actions, some people don’t know and yet condemn, some people are selfish and narrow minded and then have thee audacity to say they’re friends, if E am so wrong, why do E feel so right? You don’t find me watching TV all night, “my religion just exists for me”, if you have a god then you will never be free, don’t you wonder why things don’t come your way? It’s because all your knowledge is just hearsay, you don’t think, don’t question, you don’t dare decide have you ever discovered what’s on your mind? You wont experiment, you don’t yearn to learn, you just want fame and more money to burn, with your “let’s go to sleep” drugs and apathy, you will never understand that’s why you just can’t see, E am not blind in my views E think and change, cause thee world is constantly rearranged, there’s no system to follow and none should ever exist, chaos is thee way ov things and taking risks, so before you cast your stones you should examine your glasshouse, don’t make decisions without knowing because you don’t know what you talk about, and that’s thee price you pay. (1990)
Jesus was a fake, his truth is on thee make to control and confuse you, so people can abuse you. This god does not exist, this life is not a test, your freedom is subdued by fascist lies and views, we are all gods to ourselves and only we can tell, thee truth within our eyes not other peoples lies, be free and learn respect, don’t judge and then subject, we are each to our own, we all deserve our home to do just what we will, to never deny our thrill, why kill? It serves no use it’s just fascist abuse, be free and find your tribe and learn just what’s inside, no rules, no-one to lead, nobody telling me, to decide for myself is good for all our health, so break free ov their chains and see what can be gained. (1990)
“Good folk, things cannot go well in England nor ever shall until all things are common and there is neither villein nor noble but all ov us are one condition” –John Ball
Some people think E am nowhere, some think E am insane, some think that E got heroin still seeping through my veins, you people just don’t understand what world E am coming from, E been around, E been up and down but E know what’s going on, E aint ignorant to corruption, E been exploited all my life, E have had people give me nothing when for them E would have died, E don’t believe in thee future but E believe E know my fate, there’s only one future for a world that is fuelled by so much hate, an apocalypse you can’t escape, an apocalypse you can’t mistake, an apocalypse and you wont know why? An apocalypse soon be time to die, so don’t judge me by my actions, at least E am having fun, there’s more to life than security, there’s a lot more to be done, E know you probably think E am crazy and you probably think E am wrong, but there’ll come a time in all your lives when you’ll say what have E done? Apocalypse. (1989)
Thee little people smile with glee, in lilac form ov liberty, thee pole so strong and hard and tall, thee ribbons flow out to them all, and round and round and round they go weaving magick they do not know, thee coloured thongs entwined maypole, they dance their love to free their souls, in a world where age old traditions have no meaning at all, what hope for us and them and all? What hope for us and them at all? Eight steps round thee mulberry bush, fertility and fire, thee Beltane staff is rainbow bathed and love can make me higher, thee world seems grey, thee land seems dead, can’t stop thee pain inside my head, but where thee grass is green, strange lady says hello, thee bad are rich, thee good are poor, thee city swells can’t take no more, but where thee grass is green, strange lady says hello, thee warming globe, thee acid rain, thee atomic bomb to ease thee strain? But where thee grass is green, strange lady says hello, inside my mind E know these times and in our hell E am feeling fine because thee grass is green, strange lady says hello and that’s not so strange. (10/06/92)
Warrior’s ov thee dream
Sublime recreational habitat, raw material intake, world class finished, product environmental rebirth, a once on a dreamtime experience, a truth seeking excursion within your psyche and within our universe, here comes thee town flirt, Begone all thoughts ov resemblance, down that bass chord, thee swirling piano spaceships, thee growl ov thunderous entities, thee crash ov thee soul tempered ocean, thee wafting ov thee smoke, thee ups and downs thee round and rounds without a doubt entwined, thee eyes ov enjoyment, thee mirrored scissors so close but too safe to injure, thee falling ov thee space debris comes crashing to thee sand, thee plane rides higher an ace in thee wind, slowly but totally upwards, thee lone saxophone groover, thee cosmic orgasms sends shivers to my soul, beautiful playing on thee ecstasy within every nerve, thee keyboard jumps, thee bass is superficial funk, thee wah-wah squeezes in, bending thee notes around my head, thee ethnic bongo groove, thee green suns ultra-vibrant rays, shine through thee rainbow, breaking thee colour beams into a translucent, psychedelic, spectrum heaven, thee buzzing ov thee solar bee, thee messages within it’s path, thee pattern ov thee universe, maintain six thousand feet, hold hand bell, no delay at all, one hold at thee most, one five six affirmative, further climb in about five miles, maintain five thousand feet no XTC speed restrictions, climb to six thousand feet, cut all three echo report that heading to London, zero one zero degrees radar heading, double three echo report, he can receive me but no reply, thee Norwegian dance song and thee secret ov goats tobacco, art reality, time out, results double for double free, my bottom hurts just thinking about it, there’s nothing like a good spanky warriors ov thee dream, E never promised you a rose garden, you can wash your face in my sound. (Lost timezone)
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