Message ov hope
Thee chaos that exists when E have been away, you’re going to realise thee stability E provided when thee whirlwind starts to twist, if you give no respect, if you give no encouragement, if you give no praise, then you do not deserve thee power to control others. E have other shores to swim to now, other islands ov despair to inhabit, it would be easy for me to be nasty to you but you don’t deserve such thoughts and they would fall on deaf ears, one day you will realise what some things are worth, you will only realise too late…when you’ve lost them. Maybe you will grow wise to thee home truths ov society, community and trust, but E will not wait for you to apologize for your shallowness, because E have not got that much time to waste, and you’ve cost me too much time already. E have learnt from this experience E wonder if you will! You’re ignorance and arrogance they suit each other well, just goes to prove that if you believe in Jesus Christ then you will ultimately end in hell. Thee world is yours not somebody else’s, only unity can bring progression. (20/12/90)
“Our rights are inalienable. Each person born on thee world is heir to all thee preceding ages. Thee whole world is ours by right ov birth alone. Duties imposed as obligations or ideals, such as patriotism, duty to thee state, worship ov god, submission to higher classes or authorities, respect for inherited privileges, are lies. -Albert Meltzer
Political reverberations echo in thee void, thee struggle and thee anguish are falling on deaf ears, how can E strive to educate when ignorance abides in here, don’t you ever wonder why thee trials ov life are so obscene, don’t you ever wonder why you’re never what you dreamed you’d be? Don’t you ever stop and think about thee facts that you are told, or do you just prefer to resign yourself to thee fact you’re getting old. They tell you lies, they rule your life, they dictate all your terms, if thee world is a country garden, then why do we feel like worms? It’s time you got your heads together, question every move, how can E say it simpler? I’ve nothing else to prove, except to say, live for today, free yourself and think, if this is such a free country why do people starve on thee streets? If Jesus died to save us all why thee fuck are we in hell? If nuclear weapons are thee best deterrent why are we still going to war? If LSD doesn’t kill or addict then why is it against thee law? So I’ve laid my case, I’ve had my say; do you think E am insane? No am just fed up, living here with injustices and pain. So E tell you now…there is no god, no it’s not so odd, you need no leaders, no systems, you just need to accept, is it such a test? All should be allowed, so just listen…if no one ever forced anyone else to do something they did not want to do then thee world would be free and you and me could live together so easily, so free yourself to free others. (20/12/90)
As long as you worship god as your master you will always exist as a slave.
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