Team four, team four, they’re knocking at thee door, taking away thee children by swearing to thee cross, white bigot Christ in anger, lying for their god in moral frenzy incarnate, their fears become their hate, and Satan is to blame, it’s him that pulls thee chain, not human failings, human evil, no it must be them, pre-Christian religions have risen yet again, they are in league with devils, it’s they that child abuse, not Christian side-effect plague, not rape by thine own blood, unbelievable witchcraft parties, drink blood and wear tall hats, kill sheep and then take photos, jump up and down on dolls, thee fantasies ov Christian slaves, they claim that this is sane, they care not for your own, beliefs they come to cause thee pain, fear ov cemetery stupid, fear ov death for fools, natural to exist no more, to come and then to pass, everyone’s a devil to these people ov thee lord, everyone’s a slave and must bow down to Christian sword, zealot evangelical brainwashing for thee lord, Satan, Hades, hell and all that, E don’t believe a word, not a damning word ov it, these people have darkness issues, that’s why they are obsessed with coming into thee light, E could show you a thing or two about seeing thee light, E don’t want your fucking light, E have found my own thanks, and my light’s better than your light, because mine actually helped me to see, to see how fucking blind you stupid fuckers really are, meet thee new cross…same as thee old cross. (15/08/92)
Shopping centre preacher
E went into thee shopping centre and E saw thee evangelical youth performing a street mummer play to thee indifferent zombie shoppers, with a smile on my face E thought, this’ll be good for a laugh and watched as thee twisted story unfolded pathetically before my eyes, thee confused youngster goes to thee rave, his friend gives him some ecstasy, at first he is happy then becomes sick and depressed, thee next day he starts jacking up heroin, he has fallen in league with thee devil, ecstasy comes from thee devil, blah, blah, blah, snigger. Then one ov thee Christians who is working thee crowd as they watch, looking for potential converts to preach to, approaches me. Are you enjoying thee play? Oh yeah its killing me! , Don’t you understand it? Well yeah but it’s hardly based on a reality situation is it? It’s pathetic, What? Don’t you believe in god? No E don’t, it’s all a load ov bollocks! How can you say that? God is real! He’s getting excited now, first it was a simple convert situation and now he’s going to save me! Ok E say let me prove it to you; you’ve read thee bible right? Of course it is thee Lord’s work, ok well Genesis, after thee lord has made thee world in seven days he makes thee Garden of Eden and makes thee first man Adam, correct? Yes that’s right, and he puts Adam in thee garden of Eden and all that correct? So all men are made by god right? Yes of course! Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. So he didn’t make those men did he? They were already here! Uh, uh, well uh, uh! Do you believe that your God is thee powerful creator ov everything? He knows thee future, he knows thee past, and he knows everything? Yes ov course! Well if he knew what would happen with thee tree ov knowledge why thee fuck did he put it in thee fucking garden then and lead everyone into sin? , Well, oh, uh, well, uh…. it was a test ov faith, oh really so you make a fucking perfect creation and then you test it do you? If you grow a tree do you fucking test it? Just to make sure it’s a tree? That’s just fucking stupid you fool, uh,…..uh,….well,….uh,….uh,…E must be going now…thanks,….uh,…uh,…yeah…bye, see there’s another one fucking converted, its funny how people can read thee words but not see thee fucking truth, even when its right there in front ov there fucking unopened minded, pseudo-enlightened, trance-like expressional faces. Thee bible only leads to one fucking thing and it always leads there it’s a bottomless pit of racial intolerance, sexual intolerance, bigotry and an A –level in guilt and shame for nothing, it poisons minds and leads to people being burnt at thee stake for worshipping thee real power ov nature which has been going on since there were people on thee planet, it makes sense to worship thee sun, thee moon, thee rivers, thee trees, thee earth and thee air, and fire where thee fuck would we be without fire because without these things we cannot exist, we die, but can we exist without god? Yes oh yes ov course we fucking can, Christianity wasn’t established in Britain until 963AD and we certainly were doing fine before they fucking came here, stole all our stories and mysteries and claimed them for themselves, holy grail thee cup ov Christ, fuck off it was thee sacred chalice ov thee druids before that, as was thee spear ov destiny stolen by conquerors and then claimed to be thee spear that pierced his side, everyone loves a story and Christians have stolen all theirs from sources that they don’t understand, how can they when all they have is pseudo-enlightenment, to be enlightened is a personal thing that must happen to you as an individual, only you can know when its happened, and in my experience it only happens through thee use of psychedelic compounds, these are thee tools ov evolution and if you are in denial ov this then you are in denial ov life, evolution is real, but you would rather believe in thee fat cunt on a cloud or that red geezer with thee horns that’s far more believable isn’t it? God and thee devil work together you fool Jesus to judge you and Lucifer to execute that judgement, thee devil is thee reverse side ov god, for every ying there is a yang and it is retaining that balance between thee two forces that can raise you in perfect harmony to thee infinite possibilities ov consciousness, if you wanna get into it….you gotta get out ov it! (28/06/06)
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