Mr Tripp
Well hello Mr Tripp, May E taste some ov your wares? Well you took me by thee left leg, and you threw me down thee stairs, E was spinning like a myriad ov neon pink star balls, so you coloured my perception and you pinned me to thee wall. E asked you Mr Tripp, could E have a little more? And you flipped me over backwards as thee sky became thee floor, E was feeling rather yellow, so thee blue green became pink, so E started cosmic tap dancing upon thee lizard sink. So once again please Mr Tripp for thee last and final time, you took me down to apple lane and made me cherry wine, E drank and felt my whole being shake like thee wrath ov god so E thank you kindly Mr Tripp for showing me that’s odd.
Moses was a pill head, he liked to drop a tab, he had a heavy session, wrote commandments on a slab his people followed likewise, they joined him on a trip, they started worshipping a cow, and Moses let it rip, Moses was on a good one, his staff turned to a snake, thee seas had parted for him, and thee burning bush hath spake, that Moses was a pill head, and every story told, was an LSD experience, coz acidness is gold. Drop a tab for Jesus, drop a tab at Jesus, drop a tab with Jesus, drop a tab meet Jesus.
“Listen! Wake up! you are god; you have thee divine plan engraved in cellular script within you. Listen! Take this sacrament! You’ll see! You’ll get thee revelations! It will change your life! You’ll be reborn! “–Timothy Leary
Pulled between light and dark, upwards through thee chasm, mind inside like sponge ov fire at eighty thousand fathoms, twilight birth so dark and clean, E am diseased by thee white, focus uncontrollably, E rush ‘til morning night, E search inside and outside but in both E find my cure, just another skeleton key unlocks another door, why is it that when E here, E guilty for thee dawn? Sometimes E wish that E could die without ever being born, and onwards E will rise and fall, thee fluctuation guide, to what E am and what are you, and what eats away inside? ‘Til silence comes E bid farewell to calmness ov thee heart, E was born to die my friend and that is where E start, in thee beginning was thee end, and thee end was thee beginning, just a point to contemplate, what fun there is in sinning, against yourself and no one else, what wisdom in your rules? Thee metamorphosis ov our kind cannot be left to fools, so live and learn, and love and turn, to really know ov you, don’t just agree to disagree, find what you want to do.
“Thee deepest problems ov modern life derive from thee claim ov thee individual to preserve thee autonomy and individuality ov his existence in thee face ov overwhelming social forces” George Simmel
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