“Thee ultimate problem is mans control ov his own inventions” Damon knight
“We lived in a world they gave us but it could never save us” Genesis P.Orridge
“I’ll tell you what we are going to do. We have love, thee strongest kind ov love, and with that love we are going to put some purpose, some direction in our lives….we are going to find ourselves, know our souls, understand our hearts and learn from our children, we are going to cast aside our remaining egos, rid ourselves ov all thee crap our parents threw down on us, quit reflecting our mothers every time we open our mouths. Be ourselves, we will have no leaders, no followers just our individual selves. Individuals so strong with each other that all ov us will be one. That’s what we’re going to do can everyone agree to that?”” Charles Manson
Get it together
Nightmarish proportions, relentless indifference, you throttle and starve that which does not belong to you, that which has no ownership, which has grown to be habited by all but now twists and dies a little more every second, you’re paranoid obsession with security counteracts you’re lack ov respect for thee universe, you maim and destroy, for thee love ov money and power you will risk thee existence ov thee whole planet, what gives you thee right? E certainly don’t and E deserve my say, E too am part ov this universe, you’re negative energy is choking and smothering my positive attitudes, it’s all coming back on us now, we are starving, rolling in a manic form ov sadistic agony because ov your sons, you’re immoral, distasteful, un-helpful, a murdering, arrogant, selfish fucking society, I’m all right jack well fuck you! you do not deserve to be part ov thee universe, but at thee same time, E oppose no ones right to live but self centred philosophies help no one not even yourselves in thee long run. Wise up, learn to create not devastate, prise open your shallow attitudes and closed minds, we do not need to bring about our destruction when we could be building our new construction. Wake up; learn what is there to be learned. Do not condemn, do not preach your moral laws against me, for it is you who is thee criminal, you’re immoral and stupid, this could be our last chance to save these precious natural products around us, what makes you think that thee human race will be thee last to survive? We deserve to be made extinct, let’s get it together to stop this slaughter. (12/06/90)
Insanity prevails, like a leper, feeding on thee pure, feeding like thee horned beast on thee free, and yet E am thee one who questions, E ponder my own sickness when E am thee one who is well. Thee ultimate disease is thee one that you think you don’t have, insanity prevails, here, like thee wretched hell spawn from whence it came, it will be eternally damned. Childhood is golden, free thought is truth, leadership is evil, tribal is pure. You think that you understand, you can never understand, we are born to question, not to rest, not to lead, not to be ruled, not to be lured, into thee web ov deceit ride thee ten billion, infernal pain and frustration will be your prize, only self can prevail, yet insanity prevails, here like a god.
E am a god E have created, E am a devil E have destroyed, E am thee worshipper ov myself, E am thee sinner, E am a prophet, E have control and E defy it, E am male E am weak, E am female E am strong, E have no age there is no time, E have knowledge and stupidity, E have love and hate, E have been praised E have been betrayed, E can heal thee sick and never die, E will give my only son to save your sins and E am my only son, E will live by thee cross and die on one, E will reverse thee cross, E will ignore thee cross, E am indeed thee cross, E am thee universe E made it all for E am a god, my one and only god and so avid reader, are you!
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