From whence came thee man who was found and then lost? From whence came
thee man with profit at our cost? From whence came thee man with thee gun in his hand? From whence came thee man with no thought for thee land? From whence came thee man who divided thee class? From whence came thee man who replaces thee last? From whence came thee man who has forced ov a woman? From whence came thee man who has told us we shouldn’t? From whence came thee man who leads us with his lies? From whence came thee man with thee bomb in his sights? From whence came thee man and car killing machine? From whence came thee man who finds others obscene? From whence came thee man with thee strong arm ov law? From whence came thee man that created thee poor? From whence came thee man that made money and tears? From whence came thee man who turned guilt into fear? From whence came thee man who said this E own all? From whence came thee man with a need for a wall? From whence came thee man with that Hitler moustache? From whence came thee man who was nailed to thee cross? From whence came thee man with atomic destruction? From whence came thee man with thee finger on thee button? From whence came thee man who will murder young kids? From whence came thee man who made him what he is? From whence came thee man with pre-set battle plans? From whence came thee man? To where go thee now man? (24/05/92)
“Thee people, unfortunately, are still very ignorant, and are kept in ignorance by thee systematic efforts ov all thee governments, who consider this ignorance, not without good reason, as one ov thee essential conditions ov their own power” –Michael Bakunin
Fought for thoughts?
Wisdom is a two edged sword, how much can you take on board? Answered and unanswered thoughts, you build your traps and then get caught, but experience calls you to have known, you are unknown and not alone, and in thee time you take to cry, you cleanse yourself and feel alive, and big ov heart will overcome thee big ideals and big ov gun, and big ov mind and open wide will always find your place in time. Thinking is thee excuse for existence, a light infinite situation, a passage ov time, responding to E, and E alone. A flash ov light a roar ov sound, energy exchanging through thee ground. (28/05/92)
“Thine alabaster towns will tumble, thine engines rot into dust. Man will break his date with thee future, no matter how long he wants to play outlaw, no matter how long he wants to shout and hoot at thee laws ov natures god. It is not they that he has made obsolete, it is himself. This knowledge is called wisdom” –Hawkwind Log
"And E know our place will be together at thee final emotional point"-RDF
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