“Technology has produced a chemical which catalyzes a consciousness which finds thee entire civilization leading up to that pill absurd” –Allen Ginsberg
Family ov Love
Kaos ov activity in thee sensory area, we are spectators to thee unfolding dream, light from thee past makes thee shadow ov our future, bright are thee minds ov our peoples dream, to thee planets atmosphere do our eyes see thee radiant energy ov thee seed from which comes all living forms, grows forth and strikes against you, accept it, do not be frightened, there is no time for ego games, merge with it let it flow through you, heal yourself within it’s rays, fusing thee halo ov rainbow light, into thee core ov thee energy dance, thee endless parade ov forms and sounds, thee life flow is whirling through you, let you heart burst in love for all life washing out to thee endless sea ov creation, thee ecstasy ov organic fire glows in every cell, relax, it comes from you, let it flow. Allow yourself to feel thee unity ov all, merge with thee world around you, enjoy thee dance ov thee rebellion call, let everything shine right through, awake and enjoy thee rushing stream, ever changing forms and manifestations, let thee cascade ov images take you where, you find new visions and revelations, your mind if it has no place to focus is like a feather tossed about by thee wind, or like a rider on thee horse or breath calling in despair, you will wander this dream searching for someone, who thinks just like you, feels thee things that we all feel, put your hands out touch each other, this family ov love is real. (Lost Time zone)
Yeah, like…far out…man!
A million billion butterflies beat wings against my chest, thee multicoloured snail weaves a trail around my head, a green and purple nightingale sings melody’s so sweet, thee creatures ov thee forest sit in circles round my feet, a rabbit white as driven snow scatters mushrooms to thee throng, a mystical music carries me so high and far beyond, my mind is cushioned by beauty and E hold my breath in awe, a feeling and a warmth so good will lay me to thee floor, thee crystal coloured rain drops fall and wash me ov my sins, a beetle offers a buttercup ov dew for me to drink, a taste ov heavens paradise they said is mine to give, thee oracle ov godliness is found within acid. (For daye trippers everywhere!) (1989)
“All living organisms exist in thee pulsating sea ov energies serving as receivers, transformers and projectors…..there is a universal electric field affecting all life, while in turn all life exerts it’s own influence upon thee field…..and through it to thee changes in thee electrical fields ov thee moon and sun. And there are voices from out ov thee deep that speak in languages still unknown to man” –Vincent and Margaret Gaddis
shit they built thee image and they keep feeding thee myth-Charles Manson
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