Now we’ve both taken a trip but you’re class is still showing through, why do you wanna be part ov me? When E ain’t no part ov you, why do you put yourself on a pedestal? To make yourself equal to me? You’ve gone back to playing that game again; don’t you think that E can see? You’re nothing more than my shadowman, you can’t get any closer than this, just a two dimensional figment, you know you don’t exist, your life is like a Xerox machine ‘cause you want what E have got, you’ll never be thee same as me ‘cause you’ve never had to rot, you’re arrogance fucking winds me up, do you think that E don’t know? You’re carbon copy ain’t original, and from a copy you can’t grow, you’re ignorance always let’s you down, E can always smell your lies, with me my truth is reality, not a dream behind false eyes, your life must be so boring man, if this is how you have to live, but thee buck stops here for you my friend, we will never heal this rift, You’re nothing more than my shadowman, you can’t get any closer than this, just a two dimensional figment, you know you don’t exist. (Lost time zone)
Thee game plan
Into that turmoil ov confusion rode thee five hundred, brainwashed and bleeding with no care for thee earth, killing and being killed in someone else’s war, “Don’t know why E do it, ‘spose its gotta be done, ‘cause E am so damned patriotic” a sexist, racist pig, “We’ll get that second Hitler, because he’s evil, E know he is, because he wont let us celebrate xmas and he’s a murderer, and uses chemical weapons, if we let him get away with this he’ll be invading England next, and then we’ll be ruled by a fascist dictator, and we’ll have to queue for bread and lose our freedom” Wake up you blind fools, you’re just pawns in thee game, selfish ideals and power greed, our country’s just thee same, , they’re all Christian Muslim fascists in one way or another, no matter what they call their god, and what do you call yours? Thee man with no name? And you talk ov evil devil’s but you just don’t know what it means, your limited perception is thee key to all these schemes, you’ve never had your freedom and none ov us ever will, unless you stop your voting and put down your gun, don’t kill for them, you’re as guilty as thee instigator, if you refuse this plea, because thee time will come, for thee freedom drum, to beat out thee victory, why does your god have no name? Why does your love have no truth? Why does your life have no freedom? Why does your church stand for torment? Why do you die for your sins? What to you is a sin? Something against thee rules? Rules are made to be broken. (Ignorant fools in Kuwait)(1990)
“Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived.”-Oscar Wilde
My way or thee high way
Well here we have thee paradox ov thee answer to thee ultimate question, how do we enforce a fair and just society without leaders and a military dictatorship? Because most ov us know that leaderless control is thee only way forward to save us from thee likes ov Hitler, Stalin, Bush and their robotic cronies, how do we achieve this state ov liberty? Well obviously we have to remove thee current world leaders by any means necessary but then what? How do we decide? A vote? Votes can be rigged, a global Internet consortium? Well that can be rigged too it seems that thee only way to ensure a global anarchy is to force it too happen, but does that lead us into fascism? Nietzsche said “"For the man who sets out to fight a monster, look to it that he himself does not become a monster." Roughly translated as, how do you destroy thee monster but not become thee monster itself? and that is thee paradox you see, surely it is better to force a liberating form ov control than an unliberating one, and if thee people involved are liberating people then it can happen and has happened but some ego based fascist individuals always try to turn it into some form ov race bloodbath, and this cannot happen again, kill thee fascists where they stand seems to be thee answer, its always thee same narrow minded arseholes too scared ov a global community, they fear it because they cant exploit it, they can’t divide it and they can’t control it, which ov course that is what they fear thee most, these are those kids at school who hated to share anything, quietly in thee corner hating everyone, with no just reason other than they were too scared to join in, too scared to live, we must breed a diverse global community because that is what it is, empower thee individual, vive le difference, smash this robotic facsimile culture, it has been tried and it has failed, uniformity is a joke, chaos is thee answer, with a million different faces, all ov them smiling, with love in their hearts, and freedom in their minds, stop anyone who tries to control your freedom or anybody else’s freedom, teach thee ignorant who thee real enemy is, police yourselves because thee police can’t fucking police themselves they are a fucking joke, nothing but thee tools ov thee businessman, and enemies ov freedom, politicians are only in it for thee money for fucks sakes, learn this now and never fucking trust them, ever, thee answer to thee paradox you see is that it’s my way or thee high way, organise….here’s thee rest ov our lives. (12/04/07)
“Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us.”-Jean Baudrillard
“Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience & through rebellion.”-Oscar Wilde
Capitalism gives oppurtunities in life...anarchy gives life
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