Have E thee time to rectify? Have E thee time to preach? E have no answers have no rules are your minds so out ov reach? Thee key to all thee universe is a centimetre squared, have E learnt? Or have E lost my mind? Is there anybody there? Am E thee victim or thee cause? Am E real or fantasy? E have tasted heaven bittersweet, a religious anarchy? Am E forever lost or just been found? Will E know when E am to die? Can E save myself or rescue you? It’s so easy to laugh and cry, is this insanity or universe? Is it knowledge or a sin? Have E dropped out? Have E conformed? Shut me out or let me in, am E alone with this or is it shared? Are there others who have cared? Have E become or have E lost? Did Jesus have long hair? We’re all apart yet E am alone, we all matter to me, yet some are stupid, some are blind and some like me have seen. (1990)
“Language is a virus….we must find out what words are and how they function, they become images when written down, but images ov words repeated in thee mind and not ov thee image ov thee thing itself” –William.S.Burroughs
Have you lost your mind yet? To thee relentless slaughter, let’s leave thee planet, E don’t wanna be down here, see all thee suffering children and their shattering dreams, see all thee zombie mind parents with their M.A.D war machines, see all thee animals tortured through no fault ov their own, see all thee unemployed families face life without homes, see no one enjoying what they have to do, see no one determined to sort lies out from truth, see air cannot breathe it, see sun in thee sky, see water cannot drink it and no one asks why? See death and destruction and can’t see no trees, man hasn’t a cure man is thee disease, and fort apocalypse is burning. (24/04/93)
E met a man who told me 2000 times that 2000 colours would never make thee intensity ov one single rainbow with one tab ov LSD, 2001 E said, 2001. E walked softly towards a marmalade coloured shack, where E read ov a wretched traveller who had seen thee multi-coloured effects ov a cactus liquid, within thee central cave in thee rear ov his mind 2000 times he said, in 2000 different colours, 2001 E said, 2001. E swam deep into an indigo flavoured washing pool and came across a transsexual mermaid wearing a bone flavoured vest with a satin hue, who bubbled to me ov thee 2000 varieties ov seaweed with thee intensity ov 2000 hallucinogenic substances, in 2000 colours 2000 times she said, 2001 E said, 2001. E exploded into thee outer realms ov consciousness and merged with thee 2000 potent energies ov thee universe, 2001 we said, 2001. Let me explain….no matter how many people there are around you doing thee same things, eating thee same things, smoking thee same things YOU will always count, there is no snobbery in thee use ov these drugs, no E am better than you, E am higher than you, etc, etc. There is high AND low, up AND down, on OR off, drugs are there to be shared they are communal, to be shared and taken to perfect an absolute togetherness that was bred out ov our lifestyle thousands ov years ago, they attune us to each other, to thee earth, to thee universe and to your soul, it is a beautiful, magickal feeling, it is ‘2001’ no more, and no less. An unspoken fragment ov heaven, an ecstasy ov thee mind, body and soul, a global warming for thee good ov your conscience, a guilt-free trip is a pain free existence, it is not an escape from reality it is a boost to reality, be cleansed, be pure, be 2001! E close my eyes real tight and watch thee flashback colours twist and dance, no longer definite, no longer as meaningful but forever there…like your dreams, do not listen to scientists, experts or read dream books to find meanings, feel what it means to you, for only you can decipher thee messages from YOUR psyche, only you can understand your dreams. “E watch, E wait, E ponder, E walk, E talk, E sleep, E stand aghast and wonder, what messages do E see?” there is no RIGHT way to live your life, Jesus thee path E have chosen so far has been a long and turbulent journey but it has given me thee cause to write down what E feel and what E think, whether this will help me or anyone else no-one will ever know but E have a purpose now, E found my message will anyone else find theirs? “’tis a lonely, lonely road when you’re outcast on your own, black sheep are few and far between but so are those who’ve learned and seen” so if you choose to revolve around thee daisy chamber then thee luck ov Odin E wish upon you, we can all stare at thee sky but we don’t all see stars, be faithful to yourself, do not think how to make money but think how to make YOU, we are forever learning it will never end, experience is thee food ov life, eat and be merry at your minds expense, use all your brain not just part ov it after all, it was given to us for a reason, so learn and conquer thee mysteries ov thee mind, remove yourself from reality. (1990)
“There were no rules, fear was unknown and sleep was out ov thee question” –Dr Hunter.s.Thompson
“You must expect opposition, there are people in this society who will do everything within their considerable power to stop our research” –Aldous Huxley
“People experiencing collective euphoria and losing their paranoia about different groups ov people and different ethnic or tribal units which England is full ov was a real threat, because once people have felt able to let go ov fear and discover that it’s a real pleasure just to be out happy with everyone else, you’ve got a real problem if you’re trying to control everybody” -Genesis.p.Orridge
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