Marshmallow world
E am just a small speck in this vast marshmallow world, no-one cares what E think, no-one sees what E have heard, E have no respect from thee masses, E am just a junkie to friends, but E still quest for knowledge, E still reach heavens end, thee conclusions that E come to, no-one dares understand, E have worked out why we exist, E know thee reason for man, E have reverted to my childhood, E have relived in thee womb, but E have got no-one to tell, they’ll put that on my tomb, don’t waste your time in voting for political parties, can’t you work it out yourself? They just want power and armies, no-one really cares about you, so look after yourself, cause they’ll take away your money and they’ll take away your health, E have been turned on, and E have tuned in and E have certainly dropped it, and that’s why E have come to realise that this world’s full ov shit, there’s no peace without thee H bomb, there’s no love without crime, E am not proud to be a part ov a world so sublime, so heed my warnings carefully and do what thou wilt, as long as you don’t cause no harm to no-one but thyself, don’t let nobody tell you that thee world is ok, because your ignorance is making you a pawn in their games. (1990)
Sort ov people
E am surrounded by people too stupid to mention, arrogant and self-centred, too rich to know why? Paying their poll tax, golf on a Sunday, and they wonder why? They don’t see a smile in my eyes, they know me, they talk to me, but they’re robbing me blind, they don’t care about people, they don’t care about life, you ignorant bastards are thee cause ov oppression, you’re killing my world and for that you should die, they’re thee sort ov people who drink every lunchtime, then condemn thee use ov drugs, they’re thee sort ov people who say that they’re green, then pump C.F.C’s in thee sky above, they’re thee sort ov people who have always voted Tory, then wonder why thee crime rates rise, they’re thee sort ov people who don’t know that they’re hypocrites, they wonder why? They’re so despised, you may think you’re safe in your own little world, with your money and car, with your wife and her pearls, but thee time will come when thee times will change, and your perfect pension will be re-arranged, E am surrounded by people too stupid to mention, arrogant and self-centred, too rich to know why? Paying their poll tax, golf on a Sunday, and they wonder why? They don’t see a smile in my eyes, they know me, they talk to me, but they’re robbing me blind, they don’t care about people, they don’t care about life, you ignorant bastards are thee cause ov oppression, you’re killing my world and for that you should die. (1990)
Want from life
And it comes to thee same old question, just what do E want from life? E don’t know, E don’t know, E don’t know, E don’t know, E don’t know, E don’t know, E don’t think E will ever know, you’re on thee way to work and thee god damned bus is late, thee wind is blowing hurricanes and thee rain rolls off your face, why thee fuck am E going there? You know E don’t enjoy, but thee rent’s gotta be paid, so my daytime’s spent getting annoyed, last night E stayed in getting drunk when E really wanted to trip, E don’t like thee effects ov alcohol cause thee lifestyle makes you sick, but E have to get up in thee morning, when E really want to sleep, why do you have to do thee things that you really just don’t need, E wanna spend my time in interest, not waste it in brain death, E wanna sing my philosophies but there ain’t that much time left, am E doomed to a life ov ignorance? Was E born to be ignored? Why can’t E tell my story? Why can’t E tell ov opened doors? E get fed up cause E never get a place all ov my own, by thee time E have settled in, E have to search for another home, E am never ever happy except maybe when E get high, why does everything you dream ov gotta be so hard to find. (1990)
Freedom dreamers
‘Twas a happening, an absolution, a togetherness, its hard to explain, it wasn’t what we were expecting, there were no live bands, no p.a, no brain machines, just eighty or so hippies, punks, freedom dreamers gathered together on Hampstead heath, sitting around playing bongos, making inane nonsense speeches, getting stoned, drunk but not alienating oneself but bringing together, thee Californian sunshine had taken effect and it was beautiful you know, laid back, mellow, Christ even thee policemen were friendly and one seemed really interested in thee zippy beliefs, anyways we decided to leave after about two hours or so and it wasn’t until we stood up that thee trip really kicked in, with a vengeance, travelling across London zonked out ov your gourds is an amazing experience, E tell you there’s some very strange characters travelling on London’s underground these days! And it’s very sad that these people can’t comprehend thee vast beauty ov thee universe, thee meaning, thee knowledge, why? E hear you ask (or was it a flashback) because thee paranoid people in power want to keep their hold on power, so they slag off our clothes, our music, our drugs and our cause, but thee force is rising, its predominantly young believers but we are many, there will come a time when you are few, then maybe, will we have our say to save thee planet and rebuild thee beliefs in a magickal universe, technology is crumbling because it is being used for thee wrong reasons, we can build beautiful things with technology, and we do not need your rockets and guns, its so self destructive, it makes no sense to destroy, only to learn and create. (1990)
Fight thee power
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