Thee brotherhood ov S.L.E.E.P
(Sexual legion ov thee ecstatic energy ov Pan)
We are thee microcosm, we are thee macrocosm, we are thee inside, we are thee outside, we are thee seen, we are who sees. Lo Pan kisses my left, Lo Pan kisses my right, Lo Pan kisses my length, Lo Pan kisses my height, and thee phallus goes up, and thee phallus goes down, and E hear and see, and my will is found, and E rise to thee heights, with my will in sights, E explode with delight, and E cry to thee night, and E bless my self and E think E dreams, and thee answers found in thee will it seems, thankee kindlee Lord Pan, may your mystical flute tap many a cloven hoof in thee underworld eternal, long may thee reign in ov reality and on ov B-earth, so mote E be, blessed B-E. REL8 2 THEE ST8 OV THEE H8RED OV MAN, LEARN 2 DICT8 YOUR OWN 3DOM 4 3DOM IS EVERY WO-MANS NATURAL ST8 AND B-EARTH RITE, B3 B4 IT’S TOO LATE, ANEYEAL8 THEE ST8, KRE8 A ST8 OV NRK, H8 THEE ST8, KRE8 KAOS 4 3DOM ST8 OV S8N, BAPHOM8.
E am a member ov a religion without a God, E am part ov a tribe without a name, E am true to thee law without any rules, E am a mirror to myself within my brain.
Sleep = mirror, konstruct until cannot remember, destruct until can forget, CONCENTR8 on thee spiral eye, compose thee desires, forget thee de-tails, kaos reigns in thee tears ov love, B, 2, 3, B, 3, 2, 2, B, 3, coum ov E, all hail to thee serpent ov sleep, all hail to thee truth ov thee mirror, thee brotherhood ov S.L.E.E.P rise. In winter time when nights are long and whispers fan thee flames, take time to think ov ages gone, good days are due again, take from thee old give to thee new, sow seeds ‘til summers coum, then rise we must, renew our trust, lay claim to our freedom, God is dead, long live P.A.N.2, Psychedelic Anarchist Neural Network. Hear to do thee devils business, you better get your mind right, go, go, go to higher ground, lets riot in thee limelight, E received a text from thee devil. (25/12/93)
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