This is a strange life, this is a strange world, this is a strange town, this is a strange time, and E am strange, there’s nothing wrong with that, it makes things interesting, E would rather be strange than stupid, E would rather be intrigued than ignored, E would like to be perceived as interesting than not be perceived at all, why do people think me worthless? It’s not my back up against thee wall, why do people want to fight? It makes no sense to me, Why? Because E am strange! (1990)
Its time to realise thee full potential ov thee dream, its time you understood just what a revolution means, this life that you are living is not all that it could be, so seek beyond thee limits find thee power to be free, one day you’ll wake up, one day you’ll wake up, one day you’ll wake up, and you’ll dance thee dance with me, one day you’ll wake up, one day you’ll wake up, one day you’ll wake up, from thee silence and thee sleep, thee futures left unwritten so its down to us to change, thee history books are waiting for our lives to fill thee page, thee mothers land is bleeding from thee so-called masters hand, thee people wake up screaming from thee fools left in command, so get up off your arse and stand and fight with us for rights, thee time bomb is still ticking on thee rest ov all our lives, don’t shelter from thee wind ov change but stand strong with thee trees, open your eyes to all their lies freedom is anarchy, just say no when they ask for your vote, just say no when you read what they wrote, just say no when they stand in your way, just say no when they ask you to pay, just say no when they tell you to change, just say no to them everyday, just say no when they scream that you’re wrong, just say no and then sing them our songs. (12/06/95)
This land is full ov liars, this land is full ov thieves, this land is on thee lonely road to destruction ov thee free, E feel so apathetic, E feel that E should die, these fascist Christian leaders, no friends ov yours and mine, wake up and smell thee coffee, its time you learnt thee truth, you build thee bricks and mortar but don’t sit on thee roof, from up there they decide what is right for all ov us, like God they see themselves as we are starved and crushed, how did we let this happen? Why does it still go on? Can’t you see thee people dying? Don’t you realise this is wrong? We should all decide our own rules, what is right is right for you? Its time to escape this prison, so you can do what you’d like to do, O.U.R W.A.R, one united rebellion without any rules. (1990)
Film No.1
Thee body experiences thee mind, what is going on inside her mind? Like a desert palm, a source ov survival, thee colours come spinning like a message from within, patterns form, time disappears in thee mist ov conclusion, an inner warmth, a magickal mystery, a sense ov always, she’s dizzy, she’s smiling, she’s in a wonderful world ov her own making, thee creative soul, thee warped sense ov sexual frustration, a golden syrup pumping throughout her veins, a breathless journey, an incredible beauty, a release ov emotions, an enjoyable frolic through thee maze ov unknown pleasures within her brain, she’s tripping, she’s an acid goddess, a psychedelic prostitute, she’s paid money for her pleasure, E tied your wrists to thee bedposts, tied your high heeled boots together, E tied your boots to your dog-collar, E unzipped your dress made ov leather, your ass looked round and gorgeous, your stockings complemented your thighs, as E let loose with a cat ov nine tails, E saw thee passion glow in your eyes, your ass cheeks now scarlet crimson, E attached pegs to your breasts, E worshipped your entire body, from your ankles to your neck, as your G string soaked to dampness, E pushed a vibro up your arse, E stuck my rock hard cock inside you, and you begged please fuck my arse, with your left breast tied and bleeding, thee Vaseline helped me slide in, after just five strokes you shot your load, and lay shaking from your sins, you sat naked astride me, except for stockings and heels, and as E pumped my spunk into your womb, E now know how love feels. (1990)
Thee time wind is a mystery ov sedation, it’s a life-force flow ov numbers, relative to time-span which as we already know is an imperfect system, but it exists, it has been given life, just like my friend Bryan Spygar, he already lives in my mind, he is too true for words, too false to see but he lives, he breathes, he takes LSD and collects thee little tokens off ribena cartons, he is thee leader ov thee ribena task-force! Know my little universe, exist in my vast jam-jar, time is an abstraction, surreal is my master, no answers no questions, just imagination and reason, no death and no sorrow, just a jump ov dimension, no laws and no leaders, just a will towards freedom. This power diverts me to wasting my time, E am so scared to approach them for fear ov my life, they care only for money, without thought for thee dying, if E could unite them so they all could be free, then this world would be blissful and all eyes could then see. Who convinces time? E do, if my wish is to force, who convinces time if my wish is to force? E convince, their motto is control, conquer, condemn, ours is concern, converse, and conclude. Coming to terms without reality, reality is a popular place but its somewhere E only like to visit, reality is similar to thee Christian church and thee conservative government…a form ov control and totally unbelievable. (1990)
Story magick, twenty three, police are not police in police cars, snake, rattle and roll, thee lords ov light, sometimes E shun attention and sometimes E crave it, sometimes E fail at things and sometimes E make it, lets dance through thee tears and move on, move on, E love everything deep inside true, what E love to see in your eyes is you! Do you dream in colour? E had a dream that E would be, this is thee winter ov angry love, riot ratio, dream laboratory, sky factory, journey on thee edge ov time, thee edge ov time, on thee edge ov time, don’t give up on thee dream we call tomorrow, while there’s life there’s hope, tribal love, one familee. (1990)
“Officially “freedom” is simply a question ov degree and in a democratic society thee amount ov freedom an individual has is ostensibly dictated by thee majority. If an individual member ov that majority is encouraged to remain ill informed about thee limitations ov his freedom, he will be unable to extend those freedoms in his personal life. His choice will be controlled as will its outcome, if he wishes to choose an entirely different path, he will discover that no such alternative exists within thee frame work ov this society, immediately by not making a controlled choice he will become a social outcast to some extent, he will be labelled as being selfish, subversive, criminal or insane. -Genesis.P.Orridge
Thee searing heat, thee madness and lust for war, thee need for destruction, thee need for conflict, thee need for an enemy, thee love ov hate, thee out ov control ego, thee crime ov feeling better than everyone around you or thee need to, thee love ov money, thee falsehood ov security, thee lack ov direction, thee lack ov honesty, thee rise ov control, thee stifling ov creativity, thee belief in a leader, thee crushing ov thee individual, thee law against drugs, thee existence ov classes, thee cruelty against dolphins, thee meat-eating fascists, thee problems ov this world, E want to reach out above thee heads ov most peoples comprehension, E wish to discover thee path to eternal enlightenment, E wish to teach thee brainless, to teach thee easily led, to teach thee unknowers about thee unknown, they deserve to be free too, E want to help thee unthinking masses, help them to think for themselves, to escape this falsehood dimension, there is no death, there is only change, its all in thee mind. (1990)
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