Burning Desire
Thee cryptic but definite process, diminishing into thee microcosmic, thee things most confusing are always most rewarding, time is as ov dreams, time is as ov dreams, thoughts ov flight, flights ov thought, fragmented, responding to all stimuli, thee miracle ov genius, thee stark love ov absolute truth, it has been found that when thee individual is open to all ov his experience then his behaviour will be creative, flashes ov insight, fire in thee theatre, memory after thee event is usually extremely good and insights learned are never forgotten, even if they are not always used, facilitating thee focus on anything and nothing, E- sensual. (05/03/92)
Beyond thee limits ov your frustration, beyond thee limits ov your truth, beyond your conscious memory fields, beyond your view ov you, in thee dwelling ov your desires, in thee life ov your dreams, E am thee engine driver on my train, can you see what that means? Head full ov acid, chest full ov smoke, born in thee ghetto, life without hope, rising from thee flames, thee magik defends itself, in the pure chasm ov chance, at last with it’s own, nature ov things begun, there will always be an end, from a fragile web ov weave, to thee crisis ov love, from a child to a whisper, from a thought to an action, you reap what you sow, from blood and from water you strengthen and grow, in a chilled breath ov winter in thee heat ov thee night, thee warm smoke engulf him thee cold ov thee light, in thee agony ov a passionate love you can find thee tears ov joy, from cacophony comes ecstasy and from thee woman comes thee boy, from thee love ov thee freedom and thee nature ov choice, E am my higher source. (05/03/92)
Some ov those haze
Thee intense orange hue ov thee spangled pavement caught my eye, E silently screamed blue further at my lack ov understanding, E guess it was going to be some ov those haze. E trod softly onward, thee mouth ov hell opening wide at every step, E slithered across thee invisible bridge and pulled my senses together with a lift from auntie amyl. A whirlwind span me around and lifted my giggling soul upwards and onwards, E triple somersaulted through thee entire cosmos backwards, with everything moving one billion miles an hour forwards, E knew it was definitely some ov those haze. E came to earth awkwardly; E staggered on thee oily cushions ov tarmac that moved ov their own free will, E tried to slip but it was impossible to fall. Thee carousel crescendo in my mind started to speed up and slow down at thee same time, confusing my relation to time and space to no end, E realised E was caught in societies nerve gas proving E could only move in slow motion while my muscles moved like a speeded up Charles Chaplin car chase, now that felt strange but was only a matter ov getting used to, my legs were like hot molten jelly while my skin was cold as nice, E dropped to my knees and kissed forever as thee purple reigns ov sunshine stroked my psyche to a climax and E knew, that it was definitely, unmistakably, some ov those haze. (1990)
He simply said acid and closed thee door, he simply said acid and closed thee door, my mind would have blown if he had said much more, but now E understand what E was searching for, myself, myself, myself, myself, myself and everybody else, in relation to creation and liberation ov all nations, he simply said acid and closed thee door, he simply said acid and closed thee door, running round thee streets and shouting, everyone’s asking why? Thee love and energy rebounding, feeling so high, rave thee whole day with guarana, dancing in a heart rate frenzy, come and give it a try, smiling in a haze ov madness, feeling so high, rave thee whole day with guarana. (28/06/91)
Soldier, soldier
Soldier, soldier don’t you realise what you’ve done? Soldier, soldier feeling so big with a gun, soldier, soldier don’t you know it’s wrong to kill? Soldier, soldier, it’s only a matter ov time until, you’re the one who’s dead, you’re the one who’s lost their head, you’re the one no more, and you weren’t the one you were fighting for! Puppet on a string, you don’t need to think, do as you are told, stupidity’s not bold, you’re thee fascists slave, in your sick parade, thee innocents destroyed you are thee rich man’s toy. Soldier, soldier, don’t you realise what you have done? Soldier, soldier just a target with a gun! Soldier, soldier is that all your life is worth? Soldier, soldier as you destroy our mother earth. YOU’RE THEE ONE WHO’S DEAD! (1991)
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