Love is good
E wanna give you devotion, yeah…pure devotion with my mind in motion from a secret potion, dance, trance and magick plants, its so groovy, cool, like a sunset through thee clouds, we shine, shine, shine, ov all thee things E made, E made you mine, cool, still on thee bus wherever it may lead, can’t you see E love it baby when you hurt me, so, follow, follow, follow thee voice inside, thee reason exists, we sit out, we sit outside, right outside your wounded galaxy ov thought, we see and we direct. You thought we were in your movie fools, it is you that is in our movie, we see and touch all, and we will speak ov thee truth, thee time ov lies has aged away and we stand on thee threshold ov a new movement, based on a feeling that would not go away, this is our time, now is forever oooh bop. Can you feel it?
Can YOU feel it? It lives, it breathes in time with thee universe, we will stand together, for there is our place, our will, our reason to be, together for any reason, celebrate, celebrate, don’t let thee buggers get you down, how many times do E have to tell you that you’re free to live your life any old how, where, why not indeed, why don’t you turn off your television set and go and do something less boring instead? Love is good when it goes like it should, love is good, good, good. Without thee lust there’s only trust, oh will it come between us? From your naughty mouth, let it flow right out, truth is no-one can beat us, with your dark red hair you can get me there, it is a place where love is spoken, and when you hold me tight, all night, all night, you know thee circle can’t be broken, whatever happened to thee nights ov old, where we won and dared with a love so bold, E can’t believe those times are sold, where you and me were we and gold, and we believed in a life so free, where you was you and E was me, that’s thee way we were meant to be, cause we together is liberty. (1997)
Summer solstice
Be cold yet great, be one at home, be wise at heart, be alone yet full, be prime and wishful, be son ov man, cold grim thee reaper, be truth and known, be older younger, why choose this causeway? From whence E belated, all sense is creative, yes choose your motion, E at once am frozen, E long for our meeting, E kiss gentle reindeer and find E remain here, be gold not informal, to whom there is reason there is always a question, to he that is questioned there is always a reason, E am entranced, E am enchanted, from whence come thee knowledge? From where goeth thee soul, from whence came thee light? From thee power ov knowledge, from whence came thee power? From all ov existence, from whence came thee reason? From thee advent ov question, from whence came thee question? From thee need for a reason, from whence came thee love? From a man for all seasons, from whence is thee summer? From heart and from hunger, from whence came thee autumn? From soul and from slumber, from whence came thee winter? From death and from sleep, from whence came thee spring? From life and from rebirth, for all is thee power? For those who have reason, for all is thee knowledge? For those who have question, for all is eternal? For those who have hunger, for all is for all? All is all for all. For me have direction? Sleep fine, dream gold, destroy nothing, grow stronger, lose reasons for questions, know and be known, thee seeds are truly sown, so might it be? So mote it be. (21/06/90 3:31pm)
“Know a grain ov sand completely and you know thee universe entirely” –Ancient proverb
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