Obey thee law
They say obey thee law, obey thee law, obey thee law, what do they want from us? They try to stop our fun, they say we cause thee kaos, we’ve got them on thee run, they put guns to our heads, because we’ve taken stuff, our wisdom scares them stiff, but still its not enough, they take and take too much, they try to stifle love, they hope to push us back, but we keep rising up, they pretend they can’t see, our world is coming free, they don’t know what will be, tell lies ov ecstasy, what do they want us to do? They say obey thee law, obey thee law, obey thee law, some may think E am paranoid and ask for words ov proof, but evil moves in thee dark not light and love is always truth, what can they hope to gain? Their fear becomes their hate, they bow down to thee power, their god, their lies, their state, they’re lost within their world, without trust and without faith, do what thou wilt shall be, whole ov thee law escape, they say obey thee law, obey thee law, obey thee law, we will. (05/10/96)
“So thee capturing ov sound does not imply that we can or should create another world which we can then inhabit, leaving behind thee wreckage ov thee present one. By thee intelligent use ov this tool (and tool it should remain) a mirror can be cast up apart from communicating with symbols, open to many interpretations, one that brings us here to come to now. Thee truth may be painful but at least its thee truth, because this is where we are and by dealing with this we form thee basis ov where we might go.” –Andrew Mackenzie
A tab in time saves mind
All drugs bright and beautiful, all tablets great and small, all drugs wide and wonderful, god knows who made them all, thee little dose, thee larger dose, thee smokes, thee snorts, thee weed, acid and marijuana, mezcal and tons ov speed, all drugs bright and beautiful, all tablets great and small, all drugs wise and wonderful, god knows who made them all! (Lost timezone)
Coming out ov nowhere
Get up, get down, coming out ov nowhere, hold up, be loud, coming out ov nowhere, coming out ov nowhere new, like a bolt out ov thee blue, E am thee phoenix from thee flame, playing you at your own game, got a life worth fighting for, take a step right through thee doors, into realms ov Like Some Dream, can you see what this life means? Time has come to recognize, where is truth? And where is lies? Whole world spins around my head, where is life? And where is death? Who condemns? And who expects obedience at every step? Who is laughter? And who is love? Who is dancing with white doves? People, people everywhere, stop a minute think, who has made us rich or poor and turned us all to drink? Tried to take away our dreams, replaced life with a machine, told us that we couldn’t do anything we wanted to, E don’t need to ask you for anything, E am taking back what’s mine!
There’s more to me than meets my eyes, E try to sort out my disguise, living in a world where hate is god, everyone E meet thinks E am odd, finding a reason to destroy myself, E pull apart my brain and thee cards are dealt, E know that there’s something wrong in here, thee last piece ov puzzle is missing my dear, E got something else so deep inside, E got something else sparkling in my eyes, E got something else that E just can’t see, E got something else, E got thee other me, falling over backwards E jump up and start, again and again E speak from thee heart, seeing thee destruction on this planet ov love, E try to create to counter-act all thee blood, what you see with your eyes isn’t always thee truth, it’s what’s below that can give you thee proof, good and bad, right or wrong, E can’t find a better reason for singing my song. (Lost timezone)
Must be a sunset
E found myself staring at three bright orange sky, thee sun was going down and E could not explain why? But what a beautiful moment and E wish to exist, as a beautiful moment in a place such as this, a crescendo ov colour in a fury ov age, an acidhead heaven with my soul in a daze, thee heat ov this moment, so cold to thee touch, my emotions in turmoil, man it’s all just too much, if heaven exists then heaven must be a sunset, that pure beauty ov nature that just hasn’t been tainted, if heaven exists then heaven must be a sunset, so gold to behold full ov wisdom and wonder, as thee patterns keep changing and my hands shield my eyes, and thee beauty is fading with a word to thee wise, it’s a time ov beginning and a time ov thee end, it’s a lifetime reaction for thee world now my friend, as thee power is fading and thee dark saunters in, there’s a feeling ov darkness, there’s a feeling ov sin, like thee good’s gone forever and only evil remains, but by thee light ov thee moon E will pray for thee day. (1989)
Theory revolution
E found my heaven right here on earth, it may be a sin but there’s sinning that’s worse, E don’t need no money, E don’t need no fame, E just need thee chance to play my mind games, E like to think, like to conversation, E like to live without my frustration, E don’t wanna be another book on thee shelf, just wanna be glad that E found myself, theory…revolution…contact…absolution, E don’t need no party to show E exist, E find my way with my own politics, E ain’t no sheep E don’t need to follow, just wanna live for my new tomorrow, an equilibrium ov love and hate, an ultimate knowledge, E have had a taste, without a truth there’s more need for lying, a false messiahs what thee publics buying, theory…revolution…contact…absolution, to find you’re god look within yourself, an open mind keeps you good in health, a realisation ov an ancient book, it’s all in thee last chapter wont you take a look, you gotta be at one with thee universe, there’s so little time and there’s so much to learn, thee time is now and thee future tomorrow, make more time for self your motto, theory…revolution…contact…absolution. (1990)
Amazing stuff
Well it’s a dog day afternoon, cause thee world’s exploded inside my room, as thee ceiling goes round on thee floor, E watch thee sun come peeping up through thee door, this amazing stuff has done it again, this amazing stuff is my only friend, this amazing stuff has just blown my mind, this amazing stuff, this stuff ov mine, and as E watch thee colours spin, and thee walls get thicker, thee walls get thin, and it’s kinda like walking on ice, but it’s twice thee fun for half thee price, and as my head floats up and down, E can see all, E can hear all sounds, as thee crescendo is making me shake, E know I never wanna leave this place, and as you think it’s settled down, you put thee music on and thee room spins round, and you know it can never end, if you take some more ov this stuff again, and again, and again, and again. (1989)
Language is a virus
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