Nursery rhyme
(Chant) Mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, am E real or am E not, course E am real, oh no E am not, speeding slowly, slowly speeding, speeding slowly, slowly speeding, guilt free sex and open mind, fuck to sound ov nursery rhyme, suck and lick and pump and grind, fuck like children’s nursery rhyme, guilt free sex and open mind, fuck to sound ov nursery rhyme, suck and lick and pump and grind, fuck like children’s nursery rhyme, Mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, mad or something, am E real or am E not, course E am real, oh no E am not, speeding slowly, slowly speeding, speeding slowly, slowly speeding, guilt free sex and open mind, fuck to sound ov nursery rhyme, suck and lick and pump and grind, fuck like children’s nursery rhyme, guilt free sex and open mind, fuck to sound ov nursery rhyme, suck and lick and pump and grind, fuck like children’s nursery rhyme. (18/07/91)
So what ov my life? So what ov my creed? So what if E find pleasure with LSD? E have gotta do what E do, if E am gonna survive, E don’t interfere with your life, so don’t interfere with mine, E have never known thee love ov family, all E remember is thee hate, E have never known my father, that’s why my heads in such a state, E wanna plan thee future but E am convinced there’s none ahead, E wanna love my country but my country’s love is dead, E never had thee breaks that all my friends just seemed to get, this torturous injustice isn’t finished with me yet, E never get thee chance to make things happen in my life, my fate just seems to get worse but at least E am still alive, life isn’t fair it never is, E know this to be true, E sit here in thee cold and feel frustration coming through, so don’t you judge and crucify before you’ve heard my case, maybe you’ll go thee same way too, maybe you’ll take my place. (1989)
Journey to thee sky
You look at me with fool in your eyes, you think E have really fucked up my life, but is it me that gets wrecked every night and crashes out at half past nine? Is it me that spends my nights at home? Do E spend my daytime on my own? Do E listen to thee status quo? No, no, no, no, fucking no! This ain’t no Manson trip, cause E ain’t no lunatic, E am just a normal guy, who likes to journey to thee sky, so when E choose to free my mind, it’s to escape your mankind, so E dare you to come with me, cause you gotta see what E have seen, could you handle your life being turned around? Could you handle thee highs and compete with thee downs? Don’t think you’d like to realise, that everybody gets what they want from your life, you’re not making a stand against thee state, you’re just jerking off in your own face, so tell me am E such a fool? To realise this world’s so fucking cruel. (1990)
E am sick ov all this government shit its like nineteen eighty four, they screw thee poor to feed thee rich, they nail us to thee door, it’s about time you realised that they keep you fucking dumb, what you don’t know you cant oppose, that’s how those cunts stay number one, its so sick, so sick, so sick, so sick, its so sick, so sick, so sick, so sick, have you ever wondered why LSD possession is such a crime? Because thee come down makes you see these people can control your life, an injustice on your liberty cap, you’ve gotta see thee truth, just take a trip and read thee sun and there you have your proof, thee police state that exists around thee world is so corrupt, they’re shooting down civilians cause they want to shut them up, about thee rights to freedom, thee right to live in a world that no-one owns, so make your grievance publicised, make sure thee public knows, E just wanna be who E wanna be, E just wanna live life free, E don’t want no pension, mortgages E just wanna be me, don’t want no job where some fat cunt gets rich on what E do, E hate thee state, E hate thee world and there’s nothing you can do, so lets get together to change thee weather, lets make a better world, lets live sin free on ecstasy, you don’t need no greed to learn, lets re-invent thee trust ov man, let no-one know ov shame, E have never heard ov us and them, we were all just born thee same. (1990)
Light a dream
E close my eyes but E can’t sleep, thee bunny cries thee toady weeps, and all that’s said and done is true, even though you’ve been sniffing glue, just be yourself don’t hesitate, and wait around you’re always fucking late, jump in close thee skies turned green, fucking hell E am mister bean, this is a story ov living alive, once upon a time, inside thee head ov all ov us, was a peace to be found, underground, and now with you we spread so far, from tree to tree not with car to car, a light a dream inside all breeds, its what we want, its what we need, bad boy, bad girl, reaching for another world, what is seen is never heard, hear we are thee pleasure burns, slowly peel thee second skin, let me feel it, make it sting, stroking thigh and sucking breath, inside this love we are possessed, shiny, shiny, shiny, tight, hot and wet like second sight, cum before you cum again, bad boy, bad girl love intense, touching all those places where, you never thought you’d ever dare, soaking shiny, biting neck, grinding time is heaven scent, musick for thee deranged, life in devoid, feels like fire, This love, feels like fire, see things, seething, soothing, grooving, who do you think you are? Power ov love, a force from above, strictly psychedelics, consciousness expansion, phantastica, thee seven sisters ov sleep, thee politics ov experience, to come to sense perception, be as a child, be as a child, fairy caps and foxgloves, total love, total love, who do you think you are? Feels like fire, like fire.
A different kind ov beat
No, no, no, no-oh, no, no, no, no-oh, Marching to another fight, crying through another night, so this is life in these times, where every pleasures now a crime, and as thee world goes round again, those men in black will never change, against thee spirit ov thee age, but all our colours never fade, where nothing stands but what is done, beneath thee shadow ov thee sun, you hear no see no poverty, deaf blinded by all your greed, your people locked inside a cell, for trying to save you from yourself, you take and take until it bleeds, you never give it what it needs, we come together take our chance, we need to live, we need to dance, we need to stop, have time to think, rejoin thee circle, make thee link, in chains ov love reclaim thee streets, we don’t need you to move our feet, you cannot see that we are one, and you don’t know just what you’ve done, your shields and truncheons make me laugh, your only place is aftermath, while we are here and we are now, you couldn’t stop us anyhow, inside thee rhythm ov thee dance, we are alive, we are entranced, you feel a different kind ov beat, you are not living on thee street. (19/04/97)
Valuable information, honest secrets
Thee propaganda, thee release ov information, a powerful tool, a powerful weapon, this starts wars and ends lives, it is a most valuable commodity, it is thee most valuable commodity, we must endeavour to become a propaganda machine, but we must try not to bias, dishonest information breeds more ov thee same and thee world ends up as screwed up as it is now, we must strive to remain honest, in order to get everyone to lay their cards on thee table and therefore compete fairly, competition is not about strength and secrets, its about strategy and skill, honestly. Thee manifesto, thee point to all this, thee method to my madness, to provide honest information, to change this society. Thee more honest information pumped into thee system, thee more honest thee information that will be returned, like love thee more you give, thee more you get, eventually this could alter society for thee better, if everybody could know what there is to know then we can therefore bring about progress and it is progress for which we have all been deemed to exist. Thee more direct unbiased information is available from people who have nothing to gain, other than thee exchange ov information, newspapers and TV are thee worst kinds ov information, fanzines and fringe group publications and recordings are thee more honest forms ov information, simply for thee reason that it is from people who know, not people who speculate or rely on averages, there are no averages, everything is unique. Manifesto for existence, LSD from thee Holy Grail, love information and remain, things are starting to tie in, E must understand completely or E will end up confused, this is thee key to enlightenment. (Lost timezone)
American, Vatican, Nazi-war crimes, murder, conspiracy, ov evil deeds ov genocide, and media lies, and runaway, from your earthly grave, you can’t face, your own crucifixion, ov dollar signs, and racist lies, and catholic benediction, power, guns, money, blood, wine and bread, and mass control, spear ov reality, theatre ov fate, life ov love ov hate, your time has come, your time will go, your time is nowhere E need to go, Bush, Thatcher, Hitler, Stalin, Jesus, God, king ov kings, and kings ov fools. E watch and wait as you build your walls, dishonesty is your life force, and loneliness is your fate, E watch and wait, E watch and wait. (28/11/91)
Is this self-analysis or self-annihilation? Blatant hypocrisy or self-humiliation? Guidance internal, God is in hell, wars ov thee converse and all is not well, and so to sleep and so to dream in this, endless blanket ov noise and machine, and thee dust storms ov cancer that rot out my world, are here for thee fury that arrogance learns, and battered and bruising for those that cared more, my brains on a skewer, my hearts on thee floor, E bleed in my pity and laugh at my own face, E may be pathetic but never a waste, these tears are my own, these fears are my own, these moments are mine, just yours out ov time, here we go with thee wasted years, out they go with thee tasted fears, madness dreams thee mire ov wonder, echoes born in thee fires ov hunger, freedom gleams in thee cries ov thee rain, E look for thee time E can hear free again, caught in thee parallel ov both ov myself, in thee battle between thee ice and thee melt, E freeze and E wallow in thee cold ov my thoughts, confusion my epitaph? No, no, ov course………….knots. (29/11/91)
Drugs greed, drugs need, drugs bleeds, drugs feeds, ov me. E am pigs blood, E need to have slaughter, thee only person left who is fit to be hated, no worse than myself, no love in my health, oh woe what is to become ov me? Thee insecurity ov paranoia, thee paranoia ov insecurity, self indulgence to thee point ov a mass induced bad trip, E am embarrassed by my own self expression, my own self-analysis and my own self-annihilation, oh woe, my tongue is rasped to my cheek and E feel weak, yet unique. Does thee term non-sense really exist? Surely as soon as you recognize it to be non-sense, it makes sense, if only under thee term ov non-sense, if something is non-sense then it can have no sensical description, non-sensical deprivation, if they don’t control me and E don’t control me…who does? (29/11/91)
Waters deep
You push my hands together and you blind me, E get down on my knees you say E pray! But E don’t feel a fucking thing inside me, E guess E must be made a different way, E put my faith and trust in air and water, thee earth and fire holding back thee night, thee way thee moon affects thee time ov daughters, thee children ov thee sun behold thee light, no matter what you say or do, thee world does not belong to you, you’ve lead us all a merry dance, but thee fact we’re here is down to chance, thee rain will wash away your lies, and bust your borders, cut your ties, and down a well in waters deep, will slowly drift away to sleep, leaving us where we’ve always been, with better hopes and realised dreams, so all is all beneath thee sun, and moon and stars and everyone. (Lost time zone)
“War can’t give life….it can only take it away”-Edwin Starr
Give back thee future
Love is thee truth, thee words are alive, we are born to be together, as one we survives, in a dream we will always, restart everyday, and work towards freedom, for we are thee same, peace for thee peoples, pure for thee skies, embrace all thee memory, see thee world with all eyes, live for our children, to reap what is sown, give back thee future, to each, to their own. (04/03/03)
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