Thee pressures on there is no doubt, while deep within E scream and shout, but love for you is in this place, so strong your love, thrown in my face, with all your feelings coming down, E worship you and kiss your ground, although your tempers short and sweet, your eyes make my heart skip a beat, let me put you in thee picture, let me tell you what E mean, E am here for you forever, loves so dirty when its clean, in this life we share together, we are rising to thee stars, as thee moon runs through our fingers, as thee sun burns in our hearts, so when thee walls are closing in, and time is tight to keep living, remember that thee biggest falls, will hardly take no time at all, thee only way is up with you, to be as one thee purest truth, to fight and to defend our faith, we shine like comets in our space, let me put you in thee picture, let me tell you what E mean, E will be here with you forever, loves so dirty when its clean, in this life we share together, we are rising to thee stars, as thee moon runs through our fingers, and thee sun burns in our hearts. Who said romance was dead? (18/09/97)
Pink and green, and blue and white, were thee people E saw who came to fight, we poured upon thee park today, to see thee pigs who showed dismay, to penetrate upon this world, thee love we felt, thee love we hurled, thee sound E heard thee vibe E felt, are things E have not what was dealt, they tried to take thee peace away, their shields held high, thee big hooray, but we wont run we have a right, to dance all day and through thee night, we dance in front ov jaws ov death, we wait until we catch our breath, and onwards though you change thee laws, we will not stop, we will not pause, these lies you tell, we see them all, we break down all your stupid rules, cause this for you its just a task, but this for us will ever last, we are free people you will not claim, we’ll never play your foolish games, we know our lives, we know our hearts, why try to turn these souls apart? Those years ago, to be free, was part ov your society, why do you scare? Why try to tear thee feeling from a million hearts? To give us this, unsanctified kiss, it feeds my soul and gives me bliss, we will not stop, we will not die, we’ll only stand, while you all cry, there’s only one thing, E know you feel, thee same as us. (1994) (With Polly)
Give to me
E can’t believe this picture for thee headlines today, thee pain E feel, feels so real, stabbing in my brain, tired eyes, filled with lies, isn’t it a shame, time to stand, so give a hand, if only for today, if only for today, when thee givers give, so they gave to me, and they take away, they take away, what they could never give, give to me, give to me, pleasure built in something you can’t see, give to me, give to me, looking back, E can feel that high ov pleasure in my mind, people sick, people crying, covered by a cloud, in a mist are thee flyers, crying to thee rich, simple games, so give a thought, when you want to live, when you want to live, when thee givers give, so they gave to me, and they take away, they take away, what they could never give, give to me, give to me, pleasure built in something you can’t see, give to me, give to me, pleasure built in something you can’t see. (1994) (With Polly)
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