Everything came together after thee birth ov my children, so many conclusions and answers were instantly obvious, and no my politics never changed in fact this only made my belief system more pronounced and more vital, do you think E was gonna let my kids go through those years ov lies and head-fucks without benefiting from my experiences, thee tribe was growing and thee wisdom was being spread around from a very early age, there’s no way you’re gonna fool them into your happy go lucky slave society, they will question every fucking move you make, and they will be freer citizens ov a future generation, see all along we’ve been guerrilla gardening, sowing thee seeds ov sense and justice, and our forest will bloom, and will recover thee land from thee hands ov fools, and return it to us all, thee freaks shall inherit thee earth, smile all thee while, ever get thee feeling that you’ve been cheated? (2006)
Fuck you up
E never had nothing that was really mine, E just borrow things from time to time, E just found it best to get by, even when E am happy E got tears in my eyes, never had much chance to get hold ov my reins, everyone who said they’d help just turned away, alone with a death wish E seemed to survive, thee outsides a little worn but you should see thee insides, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, nobody ever gives you enough time, nobody cares if E live or die, peace inside is something E can’t find, even when E am down E am laughing in my mind, and thee hate E feel that you deserve, is bleeding me dry E am running out ov words, you push and shove but E don’t wanna hear, thee only thing E live with is my selfish fears, , fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, so what about me? So what about you? We’re never getting nowhere if this is all you can do, don’t know how much more E can take, E don’t see no truth, E just see fucking fakes, you fucked with me, now E will fuck with you, revenge so sweet will just have to do, it’s people like you that fuck thee whole world over, so take thee slack for your fucked up supernova, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up, fucked up, fucked up, and E am gonna fuck you up. (Lost timezone)
Another day wasted in my living hell, my mind full ov things but no-one to tell, a kinda twisted, agonizing nightmare trip, suicidal heaven but my wrists ain’t slit, frustrated with my philosophy, frustrated why can’t you fucking see? Frustrated with dreams inside my head, frustrated E will wind up dead, as my country collapses around my ears, and thee drugs make me waste my blood-red tears, E am still bound and gagged in my self-made rut, but E know E never made myself something E am not, frustrated with my philosophy, frustrated why can’t you fucking see? Frustrated with dreams inside my head, frustrated E will wind up dead, and all thee time baby E dream ov you, and E dream ov all thee things we were gonna do, E guess E never made it as E thought E would, cause thee world E created never understood, frustrated with my philosophy, frustrated why can’t you fucking see? Frustrated with dreams inside my head, frustrated E will wind up dead. (1989)
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