“Rules are for fools”-John Lydon
E was sixteen at thee time and we were decorating thee barbeque area when it happened. My brother was thee first to scream on thee day it happened, thee day my head became an elevator, droplets ov sweat were beginning to form on my brow, then E fainted. E don’t remember what happened next but E awoke with a huge shaft above my neck, a call lift button on my nipple and every time E pressed it, remembering what happened was like an undeniable sin. Shamelessly, E remember spreading my legs and a seagull coming in through my porthole, going up, going up, E thought, and a feeling from my toes would gunshot to thee top ov my shaft and then it would come back down again. Thee ships captain informed me that he worked for Birds eye and occasionally Muller rice, E assured him that E was auditioning to become a bond girl, but my head ov course had become an elevator, and apparently in Hollywood if you’ve got an elevator for a head, you don’t even get a look in, you cant get in to see thee directors, thee studios wont have you, E can tell you its not easy being a bond girl with an elevator for a head! My brother stopped screaming and E tweaked my own nipples to make sure they were still there, they were and E was damned glad about that. Uncontrollably E entered a cabin to find thee ships log, it was somewhere in thee ships forest but it felt like a flange and smelt like spam! “What thee fuck has happened to your head,” said my brother as his feet turned purple with strangeness abound, but E could not answer because elevators don’t have mouths! E am very pleased to have experienced real life as it is to me and E never ever believe in tall storeys, theses things just don’t happen. (Lost timezone)
It was February 1995 and he saw her in a window, in Amsterdam, she smiled and bent over to show him her pert arse, thee glow ov scarlet neon reflected in my shiny black raincoat, throbbing feelings rushed to my cock, E wanted her now and E was going to have her. She said “fifty gilders for a one way trip to heaven” E agreed and she unlocked thee door and pulled thee curtains closed, and my heart beat faster, slowly she walked towards me and started to take my clothes off, as she bent down E could see her cunt in thee reflection ov thee mirror, she opened her legs to their widest point and grabbed my hand, pushing it towards her clit, her ruby red lips were swollen and inviting, E pushed her onto thee bed and began lapping at her like an animal, she panted and moved faster until E felt her hot cum on my fingertips and tongue as she exploded in ecstasy and called me a bastard, then told me she loved me. (Lost timezone)
Sister do E truly see you there? Have you given up thee sight ov your free will? E didn’t know E could still see that way, E was put to sleep but E woke up still, it was a sending, E heard nothing on thee TV screen, from thee mother to thee sister, message just like me, E felt so weak and powerless then came back to myself, now is thee time, come together, fight and heal this hell, do not think that this little one cannot understand, babes know more than we imagine, sight ov purest eyes, they cannot speak their minds so we believe they do not think, well that is for thee future, better everyone’s for life, you are free as every child ov love is free, not so easily led, now let’s grow to seek, awaken liberation, be what born to be, yourself and everything you ever dreamed you’d be. (04/03/96)
“E know that thee way E absorbed information from my family background was given to me as if E were being reminded ov something E had forgotten but really knew”-Alan Garner
On my way to thee green man, with colours in my mind, like a leper messiah, E am transcended through time, lost myself in a dream now, but this feeling’s so real, it is my understanding, that E am what E feel, deep inside this sweet moment, E could travel for miles, know thee end ov my journey, will be awakened with smiles, from thee gold to thee phoenix, E am bathed in thee fire, from Gaia to thee sun child, E am borne ov desire, E am borne ov desire, E am borne ov desire, as are we all. (Lost timezone)
Ritual ov thee forest
Earth below and sky above, let this circle be cast with love. Awake, awake, awake, awake, return to life within this mortal world, oh sleeping ones who wait rebirth, from our great mothers womb, be born again with human hopes, oh true companions ov thee cosmic light, blessed be thee light that guides our lives and this thee earth it shines on, that supports our living, as matter has no meaning without mind, so soil has no significance without a seed, let light breathe forth itself as light. Good is thee ground laid open to thee winds ov truth and radiated by thee sun, life must come from love alone, as water was our one time womb and moisture is our mother milk on earth, let us approach thee spirit set above thee waters ov compassion and regeneration, blessed be thee seed implanted in a fertile field, for it will ever grow towards thee light with strength and splendour, blessed be thee seed itself and all that it implies, thee very smallest living seed on earth is infinitely greater in its meaning than thee mightiest mankind will ever make, consider this tremendous truth with wonder and humility, yet look upon thee symbols ov its mystery with confidence and love, because thee emblem ov a seed shows life divine indeed, it is written truthfully that as we sow, we shall eventually reap. Let us name it ‘change’ and plant it deep within us, so that it will germinate and grow into thee flower and fruit ov all thee sheer faith we have here and now place in it, blessed be this chosen seed and all that comes to life among us by its means, may it open unto us thee inner ways we search for and fulfil our purpose with its fruits, be it born ov us and bear within it thee intentions ov our trust and will, so that it and we may grow together, may emptiness be filled, silence hear thee word, stillness move and darkness enlightened, blessed be thee word that waits within thee womb, in perfect love let there be life, blessed be. Earth below and sky above, let this circle be closed with love. (04/11/98)
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