Real politics
Thee real patriot protects his country from his government, thee real human protects his earth against those who would seek to rule it, thee real life is thee one where you are free to indulge your will and judgement on no other than your self, thee real love is thee real life ov a real human patriot. (28/09/92)
Local notice
Death to Bush, CIA, law and order, we have seen your signs in your new world borders, death to thee leaders who don’t help when they can, death to all oppressors in thee peoples land, sweet to my sweets, sugar to my honey, this lands been bled ov milk and money, death to thee monarchy, death to thee lords, all one together is thee poor mans sword, take to thee streets, talk to your friends, take what is ours make us free again, tear down thee churches find your own truth, now do unto them what they have done to you, all stand tall, when they think they have us down, don’t bow to thee state or bow to thee crown, don’t be afraid, anger fuels, don’t feel all alone, now’s thee time, it’s not a crime we can’t steal from what we all own, don’t worry be happy-thee real human community lives. Thee community commentator. (1992)
From life in clouds and crying rain, we found ourselves together again, like trees we merged our branches in, to our own forest circle ring, our river bends and twists and turns, we crash on rocks but how we learn, how strong thee river flows for we, from mountains high down to thee sea, an acorn dropped down to our roots, and from our seeds there grew our fruit, with eyes on fire and sunshine smile, could we have made a wilder child? In our forest all is fine, what’s mine is yours and yours is mine, we change in seasons grow in time, and spread so far and deep and wide, in thee mother we spread roots, she and we are us it’s true, we thee water she thee moon, to her light we dance a tune, from thee future to thee past, this circle will now ever last, spin thee web ov life around, keeping both feet on thee ground. (06/10/97)
Thee ides ov man
Thee rainbow cleans away thee pain, thee morning sky shines over again, thee twinkling birds like summer rain fall gently to my window pane, thee love ov sun thee joy sky blue, thee mushroom clouds they made for you, twin emerald floor ov grey and green, they don’t think what you say they mean, trees are forever but not on their road, there’s a new motorway but thee park is still closed, and blossom in thee winter ov thee shadow ov your greed, no one needs more than everyone needs, and smiling in thee shadows E can see a glimpse ov truth, nature ov thee nature will but always shine through, thee rainbow cleans away thee pain, thee morning sky shines over again, thee twinkling birds like summer rain will always shine through, thee eyes ov this man. (24/05/92 08:18a.m)
“Man having found that he cannot live by reason alone, seems determined that he will not live by reason at all” –Unknown
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