A life like mine
Like a lost soul seeping through an unused vein,
Like a pure bum trip on a nowhere train,
Like thee poison extracted from a mamba’s fangs,
Like thee piece ov glass in a baby food can,
Like a gram ov speed in a force ten gale,
Like thee innocent victim executed in jail,
Like a game ov chess when you don’t understand,
Like thee concerto composer with a broken hand,
Like thee mental patient living on thee dole,
Like thee last time that you let your feelings show,
Like a friend that left you to sort out your mind,
Like thee saying to be cruel to be kind,
Like thee father that you’ve never seen,
Like thee son they always hoped you’d be,
Like thee relationship that sours under duress,
Like a size twelve woman in a size ten dress,
Like a burning soul at thee gates ov hell,
Like thee holy secret that you just can’t tell,
Like thee blood spattered pavement on New Years Eve,
Like a lot ov things E can relate to these,
Like a life E live when E just wanna die,
Like thee times E am sad and E just can’t cry,
Like a list ov prejudice without restraint,
Like confessing your sins at thee holy gate,
Like a life like mine? Didn’t think you would,
Cause a life like mine is never understood.
A title for wardshop a crescendo ov daisies
Well flibble my doodle buster here’s a hot little spazmo from thee curtain call ov Delilah. Finding thee orient station looks a bit Cantonese to me, as E wiggled with my boomerang thee cat drank pear shop tea, E said acid, acid E said, can you call me out to lunch? But E wont eat tuna barbeques because my brains a mellow bunch, bananas said thee squire captain, good splinklings to you all, as E poured my blue red camembert from thee teashop to st. pauls, hang cross you long-haired faggots and peas, E want an orange marmaduke falling swiftly underneath. Be one with one and one with me, and me and one and moany peas, straddle my anchors weight-watch green, dogs and parsnips striped, E wanted to be a heffalump but that bastard burnt my tights, and round and round my willy wonka, a marching to and fro, ‘til a porcupine from Kathmandu said schniggly zap poo go! And as thee bald beast from nine and a half inches feet, waves upside down throughout, E realise and E contemplate what goes sideways up down? And thee enlightenment that strikes a nerve in my spinal nelsons column, says flooboo schnigflaken zeezvibit that cabbage smells too rotten, in thee heart ov a collie and his flower bed sang a nursemaid to a tree, she said whip my baubles defoliate this crazy shit is E. And so onwards to a midnight cowboy and a jockstrap for thee king, if E could make sense ov my cut-up thoughts, E would have to bell my rings, ding dong, sing song, bing bong hoover, riff raff, cliffs cafĂ©, you Christian fascist mover, Jesus was a leprechaun and Jesus was a puddle, E am sure this is genius sense E make but my Christ E am in a muddle. (1990)
Took it to thee limits this weekend and discovered delirium and chaos, chaos has it all man, it’s not my science, not my philosophy, its natures science, thee worlds philosophy, thee power ov thee universe, thee answers to everything. You see everything is connected, everything matters, everything is matter with an energy, a psychic energy, a power. There’s power involved in magick, like at st. Mary’s church, you can feel it there, an awesome power, there’s power in things such as magick rituals and using thee ouija board, and there’s power in thee taking ov LSD, immense psychic power, have you noticed when you get a bunch ov ‘heads’ together in a room that thee room becomes hot, you can go out and when you come back to thee same room, its like a sauna because all ov that psychic energy has been released, your aura has expanded to such immense heights that its all absorbed by thee walls and furniture around you. Animals can see this aura, E have noticed when E am tripping thee pet hamster freaks, it gets nervous, it can see this immense aura, sense it, Jesus this is some heavy shit, and all these types ov power are thee same power, three types, positive (+), negative (-) and neutral (+-), thee father, thee son and thee holy ghost, good, bad, and good/bad, thee good/bad being thee yin and yang, all these things relate within thee chaos science, it all has meaning. So there are things in thee world that must be stopped, to make thee world a better place, number one: thee killing ov anything that’s living (i.e. trees, animals, thee ozone, thee sea) everything has a purpose and an energy, if you crush that energy it will have a counter effect somewhere else within thee universe, more than likely an adverse effect, nothing is trivial, everything matters, everything is matter. (29/05/90)
What you want is what you need
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