Our war
Trying to understand, trying to survive, it’s hard remaining in sanity when you have a life sublime, but E have got to remain positive, E have got to get more active, got to change this fascist state for a social interaction, this country is a prison, you don’t need to see no walls, and thee warders are policemen, and thee ignorant are fools, and thee owner is thee government, and his laws change to suit him, so we need no laws or leaders if we’re ever gonna win, just unity and understanding, stand together to survive, we have thee numbers and intelligence, let freedom be our prize, no god and no religion, no belief in Jesus Christ, they’re just part ov thee system, so think and then resist, free to run and free to dance, and free to learn and teach, experiments with LSD, an altered state to seek, with progression we can regress to a peaceful community, where one and all are happy in their own realities, sexual freedom, conscious freedom, psychic freedom, love and freedom, drugs and freedom, life and freedom, “can you see thee real me, can you? Can you? E went back to my mother, said E am crazy ma, help me, she said E know how it feels son, cause it runs in thee family”(1990)
Well it’s taken quite a while for me to realise, that no-one sees thee world like E do through my eyes, no-one reads thee words that mean so much to me, so no-one understands just what E wanna be, E don’t dream thee normal dreams E find inside my mind, E find it difficult to fit in with human kind, its not thee fact that E am insane that really breaks my back, its my lack ov confidence that really opened cracks, can you really comprehend thee message that E send? Can you psycho-analyse? Feel thee danger in my eyes? Do you find me like you see me? Does it all make sense? Am E fighting for my life or sitting on thee fence? Am E worthless? Am E worthy? Am E hypnotized? Have E dropped a trip to nowhere? Can you see thee signs? Do you take my words as gospel or an acid daze? Do you think E try for hours to perfect a phrase? Am E foolish? Am E wise? Am E a gift from god? Have E escaped from my asylum? Am E right or wrong? Can you really comprehend thee message that E send? Can you psycho-analyse? Feel thee danger in my eyes? (1989)
Note for Polly
Help me, help me, help me be, everything you used to see, tell me, tell me, tell me please, you still love what you see in me, because this is a love inside my mind, a love that transcends space and time, we were born to be together true, and E hope its still thee same for you, we are here and thee time is now, before thee goddess sight and sound, we live and breathe with older eyes, we live our lives with wiser ties, there is no-one in thee world like you, there is nothing to compare to you, except a sunrise on a morning tide, because every day you light up my eyes, so help me, help me, help me be, thee perfect love and ecstasy, no-thing short ov total love, love is thee law, love under will, smile, smile for a while, say that you’re free and smile for me, live life, be free, cry anarchy, twenty three,23. (Lost time zone)
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