It’s a tragedy, most humanity, don’t believe there’s more life, cause thee situations changing, so come on and get with thee program, thee time has come to open up, and you will be amazed, see thee truth is unspoken, so you should realize, that thee system can only sell you lies, we never told you how to live your life, we never sold you thee stories ov our lives, they try to tear us apart but stronger we do grow, but E know, now we come nearer to a new day, don’t let them tell you what to say, say what you think, say what you do, say what you say. (Lost Time zone)
Thee hawk within it cuts my soul into, thee life within our life’s goal besides, there’s nowhere left for us to roam Britain, thee terror told and always hid should E, take my life you’re always there with malice, E gave everything E owned to them, my cat, my dog, my mobile home, E have cried and E will decide where E want to be, E keep peace with all ov your stupid fucking laws, crying and crying ‘til E cant cry no more, E could be just me, E could be patronisingly bitter, E could be corrupt by your attempts, victims ov a British government, victims ov this circumstance, when you fully commit to it, you’ve taken away just a little bit ov me, through science, D.N.A and codes bullshit, you’re only pumping up your will for me, then tender, sweet and gentle was E, until E saw with my minds eye, you see, found out E have lived a lie, E could be just me, E could be patronisingly bitter, E could be corrupt by your attempts, victims ov a British government, victims ov this circumstance. (11/01/95) (With Polly)
Half moon
Why don’t you leave us to be free? This is thee way its always been to me, awaken with thee sun and moon, my day will come and you wont be back on half-moon, on half-moon, E believe in thee earth, E believe that worse is worse, woken with thee naked sun, thee mid-morning has just begun, not all good, not all bad, not so dangerous, not so mad, take away your sons ov love, thee D.S.S trying to give you thee rub, our infants grow more so with thee, thee meaning ov life told thee tree, thee foal will never leave thee mare, they never understood how to care, bruised thee head ov tiny mind, mischief reigns in innocent eyes, a drop ov love, a bead ov hate, thee petty minds ov power realising its too late, in natural mind thee warmest smile, natures coming down into thee mountain ov vile, because your land is in repute, give thee junkie something pure to shoot, a girl so high, a girl so young, dries her mind up so you think you have won, Why don’t you leave us to be free? This is thee way its always been to me, awaken with thee sun and moon, my day will come and you wont be back on half-moon, on half-moon, thee tide is turning, its turning soon, on half-moon, thee tide is turning, its turning soon. (11/01/95) (With Polly)
Why do you do this? What have E done? Can E ever escape thee authority’s gun? You’re wasting my time, and my time is my life, as you offer salvation with a switchblade knife, another nail in my coffin, one more crime gotta pay, all my confidence crushed, so E have nothing to say, yet another year older and no nearer my goal, just another tear wasted as you tear out my soul Why do you do this? (Lost Time zone)
Just wrong
Hunger, feed thee rich, hide behind from thee bitch, black boots, black suits, coming to, to cause dispute, dragged off, trapped in, don’t want people like you, to see within, live your life, be free, why do they try to break me? Live life, be free, cry anarchy, snatching, black flag, you cant do that, cause that’s too bad, one, two, three, four, many more bully boys, than before, presence felt, presence seen, most amount ov big white vans, is more, than E have ever seen, too blind to see, why cant they leave me be? Too blind to see, why can’t they live with me? Anger, threadbare, Christ knows, who put you there? No right, just wrong, our fascist preachers, have come to fight, that’s why, black flag, came to stop, your bloody riot, your bloody riot, that’s why, black flag, came to stop your bloody police riot, came to stop your bloody police riot. (30/10/94) (With Polly)
Mischief, mischief, no more sorrow, no more grief, if E was to suffer thee untold lie, thee feelings muffled to thee sky, if E could give them back their lives, thee whole desert, thee whole surprise, cause E am mischief, mischief, no more sorrow, no more grief, mischief, mischief, no dependence, no more grief, thee whole love, thee whole life, thee whole innocence, to be cut like a knife, to live for freedom, to live for faith, to live for harmony, to re-arrange, cause E am mischief, mischief, no more sorrow, no more grief, mischief, mischief, no dependence, no more grief, but E will try forever to give you faith, and believe me they will cry rape, E will give you back my only vote, cause E can be there if you wont, cause E am mischief, cause E am mischief. (1994) (With Polly)
This is thee changing ov our earth today, given time, machines will run our life away, in thee beginning Adam came with Eve its said, play with thee devil and one day we will all be dead, Can’t you see? Thee sun is burning down on me, can’t we be more peaceful for our unity? Can’t we live to give our earth its choice to die? Why oh why? Half our lives we pollute our skies, am E lying? Am E lying? Places are changing thee city skies are closing in, dark is thee moonlight, thee ozone sun is cracking, filling thee ocean with things we’ve used for our own gain, and now we’re hungry we eat it up into our brain, choice is a thing to choose our perfect destiny, thee battle is crying, thee bombs ov total vanity, you invent a new way, to blow thee world to smithereens, explode thee power and take away all ov our dreams, Can’t you see? Thee sun is burning down on me, can’t we be more peaceful for our unity? Can’t we live to give our earth its choice to die? Why oh why? Half our lives we pollute our skies, am E lying? Am E lying? (1994) (With Polly)
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