Touch ov anarchy
After what E have seen this weekend, and E have to come back to this, these stuck up wankers with money in their eyes and attitudes full ov shit, voting Tory, owning cars you’re just stepping on thee working class, it’s people like you who don’t give a fuck that makes my life so hard, your government is trying to rob us ov what little things we have, but it don’t affect you so you don’t care ‘bout thee brotherhood ov man, so fuck you fuck your status symbols you deserve to burn in hell, thee more you bastards grind us down thee more that we’ll rebel, you pay your fascist bully boys conveniently dressed in blue, you don’t wanna deal with our anger, so they do their work for you, and as we crawl away with broken arms and heads cracked spilling blood, you claim that it was all our fault, and we deserve what you have done, there’s no laws you haven’t broken to keep us in fucking place, you cunt, you fucking hypocrites, you are laughing in our face, you deserve to die as your possessions burn, you deserve this treatment too, we only wanna live thee way we choose and not answer to you, condemning our struggle, condemning our fight is gonna get you killed, do you hear me David Waddington, our mob violence is real, you stuck up fucking wanker you’re just kicking us when we’re down, you better look over your shoulder and E wouldn’t go out in town, we don’t want your fucking poll tax in your joke democracy, we’ve nothing left for you to steal, you can only make us bleed, thee more we bleed thee more we fight thee corruption in your class, we may use primitive methods but primitive methods last, there’s a policeman bleeding in blue blood, there’s a policeman bleeding in blue blood, there’s a policeman bleeding in blue blood and E hope he dies thee fascist scum. (01/04/90)
E am fed up existing with all this shit, E don’t wanna die but E don’t wanna live in a world that’s controlled by money and lies, where E don’t get a chance to fucking survive, E hate everybody, E hate everything, E don’t wanna wait to die with all this shit, E can’t handle thee frustration it eats me away, E am going over thee edge in a world that’s insane, E hate normality, E hate thee lust for greed, E hate thee way in wars only thee working class bleed, E hate this law they call justice that’s perverted with hate, E hate this government, E hate thee fucking state. (Lost timezone)
Now E have calmed down
A time to come together, there’s a greater force in unity and yet thee selfish inner fights begin, missing thee point precisely. Self righteous militants telling me thee best way to spend 40p, and thee hypocrisy ov bureaucracy, thee lords prayer before court begins, no wonder its such a biased system it believes in god, thee votes are counted but thee decision has already been taken, some democracy, and then onwards to thee brain dead zone, alcohol is an interesting drug to watch in action, it leaves you stunned between stupidity and violence, both are utterly needless, it’s amazing how some people think it’s really good to collapse on thee floor, what a sad case ov misled bravery, and thee music? Drivel, meaningless, love songs which refer to one on one relationships, heterosexual, about owning people not loving people, baby E will be there for you, baby E will die for you, and you can bet he wouldn’t have thee courage anyway. This is thee system in full effect, making thee world a dangerous and fucked up place, uniforms, unreal, untrue, unbelievable sometimes, and then to top it off thee karaoke starts, now alcohol already exists to embarrass and make fools ov people but this enhances thee effect, people have no respect for themselves, others, thee world and anything else they can find to destroy along thee way, this is self destruction at it’s worst because thee people involved don’t even realise, it’s so sad, it’s cruel, it’s obscene, this has got to be changed, thee only way is through education ov thee mind, a self-realisation exercise, but how? There is a way and E intend to find it, this is making everybody’s life a misery and it is killing our planet, this is a time for O.U.R W.A.R but involves no violence, no guns, just subversion and perhaps a little perversion to change society to accept instead ov ridicule to live instead ov die, to love instead ov hate, to learn instead ov ignore, thee new dream ov tomorrow is within thee grasp ov today. (1990)
My attitude descending, all around is war, these crazy stupid people not caring who they are, no sense to stop believing will cause apocalypse, if you want to die then go and slash your wrists, and leave me and thee planet alone, it could be so beautiful here, we could all be so beautiful, wise and humble, honesty, truth, respect but it just doesn’t happen, but it can, it can be thee happening, thee change, metamorphosis, E long for this awakening ov awareness, this opening ov hearts and minds for a brave new world on a bright tomorrow, forever tomorrow? (Lost timezone)
“When confronted by crisis, we suddenly understand thee meaning ov freedom, and then grasp how easy it would be to live on a far more intense level ov vitality and purpose. Yet almost as soon as thee crisis vanishes, we sink back into thee triviality ov everydayness; and find ourselves totally unable to galvanise ourselves back into a state ov purpose. Thee problem lies in our slavery to habit, in our mechanicalness. All men ov genius glimpse these higher levels ov drive and purpose, and recognize that lack ov challenge causes most ov us to waste our lives. We need to discover some higher level ov motivation that will enable us to make proper use ov theses powers that slumber inside us.” –Colin Wilson
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