Far too much
What can E say when E feel E don’t wanna live anymore in a world without love? How can E smile? When I feel E don’t wanna smile anymore in a world without love, how can E sleep? When E feel E don’t wanna stay awake in a world that exists without love, how can E say that E don’t wanna see? Because E don’t wanna see, cause I’ve seen far too much!
If you feel lonely…shake someone’s hand today! (05/08/91)
Life is a nervous system
Mother, father E am thee spurn ov your loins, sold my soul for a handful ov coins, mother, father do you see thee real me? Can’t you understand E want my liberty, this is a world that’s going close to thee edge, this is a people going over thee ledge, this is a way to return to a life, this is a dream that is too strong to die,
Mother, father am E what you expected, E am thee bastard son ov a love rejected, mother, father it’s thee path that E choose, that will lead to my future where I’ve nothing to lose, mother, father if you could see what E see, feel thee pain in my heart from this insanity, mother, father we’re not part ov their scheme, we’ve been left to rot on their TV scream, E put thee drug on my finger and E put it in my mouth, E put thee drug on my finger and E put it in my mouth, E put thee drug on my finger and E put it in my mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth.(21/07/94)
And as thee riots spread like wild fire, thee news disturbs my thoughts, O.U.R W.A.R must not be like their wars or there’s just no point at all, no innocents must be ambushed, no destruction ov their homes, why burn down all your own streets, don’t try to fight alone, defence against thee bastard state, against thee baton charge, where thee enemies ov truth are scared we’ll stand together hard, you can take our money but you can’t take our love, you can take our money but you can’t take our love, you can take our money but you can’t take our love, you can take our money but you can’t take our love, and as thee fire spreads like wild riots, my thoughts disturbed by news, O.U.R W.A.R is not like their war, our love will see it through, no civilians will be injured, we all have rights to homes, we all have rights to free thought, we will never be alone, defence against thee bastard state, against thee baton charge, where thee enemies ov truth will run, and light flows into dark, you can take our money but you can’t take O.U.R LOVE! (04/09/91)
Dawn bait bust
I’ve a pain in my stomach, I’ve a pain in my stomach, there’s an orgy at thee cottage, there’s an orgy at thee cottage, my erection will not whimper, my erection will not whimper, it’s thee dawn bait bust, it’s thee dawn bait bust, from thee butterfly confusion, from thee butterfly confusion, agave juice and chugging, agave juice and chugging, thee curtain falls rotten, thee curtain falls rotten, thee kitten is rasping it’s thee dawn bait bust, tropical hashish, tropical hashish, Mexican sun, in thee Mexican sun, worms in thee mushroom, worms in thee mushroom, dawn bait bust, dawn bait bust. (08/09/91) (Monte Alban mescal)
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