“E have been blinded by thee light….and now E believe in thee supreme and mystic darkness ov nothing. In thee deepest reaches ov thee immaculate void, in infinite nothing, in thee unremitting realms ov nothing, in thee abundance ov nothing, in thee incomprehensible infinity ov untold nothing, in absolute nothing” Hawkwind log
“Every time you try to lay your hands on something and get hold ov it….you’ve sold yourself down thee river, it’s a lie. Thee first prankster rule is that nothing lasts, and if you start there and really believe that nothing lasts….you try to achieve nothing at all times” Ken Kesey
Termination ov thee consciousness fallacy
Behold …..Thee spiral dreams ov thee kaleidoscopic love children, they are …pure, they know no sins, they know no one, only thee entire emotional pulls ov thee universe, they wish, they plead, they kiss, they bleed, E call for thee safety ov insanity, where you can fool yourself constantly, as a constant reminder, that life and reality truly, do not exist, it’s a mass hallucination, it’s hysteria, E fall through doors ov perception while E am sane, E lose all meaning, E am tricked into believing that this is thee truth, E know this to be wrong, on this plane, in this dimension, we do not know ourselves, we are obsessed with things that can never actually matter. We abuse thee power ov thee universe, it is our power, everybody’s power, everything’s power, we are so paranoid, we put ourselves at thee top ov every list, when lists should never ever be formed, we have no need for memories, no need for time, we can know all and be all, there is no after all, just all! E conceive, E concave, E behave, E have …..Thee key, absolute chaos relentlessly and eternally moving, plug in to thee conceptions ov thee universe, well freak my doodles it’s a head fuck, it really is…zap, zip, zep, zop, zup to you, we all can know, we all can go, we are all equal, we are all an important part ov everything, and everything is an important part ov us, we are connected, only this plane makes you feel dissected, and only this plane will be rejected, termination ov thee consciousness fallacy, we dream is thee same as we think, we live, we walk, we talk it’s all thee same, a motion ov thee conscious/subconscious, falling through space E can hear thee screams ov absolute ecstasy, behold thee dreams ov thee kaleidoscopic love children.(07/06/90)
“In thee province ov thee mind, what is believed to be true is true or becomes true, within limits to be found experimentally and experientially. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In thee province ov thee mind, there are no limits”-John.C.Lilly M.D
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt ov in your philosophy”-William Shakespeare
Thee time is so cold, thee time ov year, E look out on thee world, E look out on thee fear, “twenty five years doesn’t happen anymore, E look around thee sky, E lay around thee floor”, whatever has come it has become ov me, sometimes E don’t see thee things E want to see, and thee alien ov nations can make me seem so small, whatever happened to thee giant ov my heart, did he fall? and when friends are not-friends and they look down on me, from secure ivory towers in their ignorancy, and faces from thee past E just don’t see anymore, just a twilight memory E am cursed to ignore, and watching from thee outside, thee world cannot be, taken with thee time to recognize that E see, a future freedom that we all can deserve, but no one listens to me they think E am absurd, hypocrisy, bureaucracy, am E an arrogant liar? Or am E just thee fuel used to feed your own fire, everybody tries to use me as a tool to their ends, it’s no wonder E feel lonely E can’t trust my own friends, and life and love are still an unknown disease, and nobody wants to be polluted by me, and if E shake and scream am patronized for attention, some people are more than beyond comprehension, people in glass houses well they shouldn’t throw stones, E can see perfectly how far you are from home, but E don’t care anymore for how can E help thee world?, and thee answer is lost it can never unfurl, but what ov me what reason have E to live?, life is frustrating when you’ve nothing left to give, and E feel so tired, in remorse for thee strain, and everywhere E dare to tread E only find pain, they’re closing me in, rape my mind, fuck my soul, and it’s all a part ov thee game they are playing a role, and greed really is thee one and only true sin, for death’s just a passage that may never have end, and life itself is frustration E find, and all E find is within my mind, what is real?, who can really feel?, Who can assist in making sense ov this?……E CAN!.(12/12/91 2.00am)
dont adjust your mind the fault is in reality-anon
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