A life…is this?
What kind ov a life is this then? Constantly encouraged to conform to do well and eternally condemned to seem useless and worthless. Because E have different views and choose to live a different life to thee ignorant masses does not make me a criminal but E will become one to compete with your oppressive organisation, E want to live my life in my own way, if E choose to use illegal drugs rather than legal ones its because E choose to. E am no junkie, E just have a preference to feeling beautiful on acid rather than feeling sick and stupid on alcohol, you legalise thee depressants but not thee stimulants, keeping us stupid or trying to eh, magpie? E have got your number, E have sussed your game, if E had thee means magpie, believe me truly E would kill you dead! After all E am only a criminal element, you created my anger and you will feel thee wrath ov my vengeance, thee revolution is coming magpie and don’t you know it, what do you hope to do? Get us all together and crush us? To rid thee world ov our kind forever? Well your blue meanies tried that in Whitehall and Trafalgar square, didn’t get them very far did it? You organised that riot maggie, 200,000 marching against your poll tax, wouldn’t have been good for you being re-elected would it? But turn it into a riot link it up with thee opposition and you can condemn it cant you? Pathetic, fucking pathetic, you bastards deserve all that you get. What is there for me in your society? E will tell you…fuck all! That’s why E long for an uprising, a class war, E am not saying it will have all thee answers for a better world but shit it can’t be any worse. If you wanted to change things magpie you could, you could do it now, you could stop thee destruction ov thee rainforests, you could stop thee breakdown ov thee ozone layer, you could shut sellafield but you don’t do you? Because you just don’t give a shit, you’re old by thee time you die we’ll be living in a hell on earth with no hope for survival, you’re a cruel, heartless, cold, evil bitch, and you’re cruelty will be your downfall. When we’ve nowhere left to run to and nothing left to live for, we will all be willing to die for thee fight against your oppression, then and only then will there be a change for thee better, and believe me magpie then is NOW. E only want to be free to do thee things that E wanna do, art, poetry, music, literature, life. You don’t need money or class or intelligence to create your art, just thee confidence to believe what you do is valid to you. E am not interested in art for money, but art for art, a perfect world can it ever exist, without my LSD without me slashing my wrists? E will fight, E will aggravate, E will demonstrate, E will use my hate to desecrate, E will kill, E will maim, E will steal, E will burn your city to thee ground, a madness caused by oppression, you make me want to destroy, cars, money, power, it is only thee power that we have, thee power to destroy all that you created, and we will, magpie we will, what kind ov a life is this then? If only you could see what eye can see, then you would see, sound, vision, freedom. Finding myself, within myself, has set me on thee right track to an understanding ov thee society ethic, ov its cruelty, control, ov thee fascist principles ov governments, thee church and their connections with organised crime, thee suppression ov creativity is a crime against nature and it’s in my nature to be creative, is it in yours? Then find yourself. Evolution, thee time has come for thee black flag ov thee true democracy to fly high upon thee hills ov our green and pleasant land, onwards, upwards and forwards, what do we want? Progress, when do we want it? NOW. Drop acid not thee bomb, religion is a form ov control, god does not exist, only you. (1990)
A shadow ov thee past
Thee shadows ov thee sunlight break, thee rainbows on thee floor, thee autumn wind chills on my face, thee rhythm changed by sliding doors, graffiti E cant understand, on chrome and orange and black, different language, human sounds, but smiles get smiles, thee windows scratched, and old familiar places stretch but seem so long away, this dirty old town ain’t changed so much, different faces, same old names, and this is all you’ll ever be, this is all you’ll ever be, this is all you’ll ever be, a shadow ov thee past, now, this is all you’ll ever be, this is all you’ll ever be, this is all you’ll ever be, going nowhere fast, E grew up here but E grew apart, E know what its like after-dark, and in thee daytime, rubbish thrown, and who collects it? No-one knows, cant wash thee filth off thee pavement spills, where fast food lager made you ill, cause smashing windows seems such fun, its just some part ov being young, ignorance, hard man in jeans, what you looking at? What does that mean? Can’t use my head so I’ll use my fist, happiness don’t come better than this? Happiness don’t come at all. (Lost time zone)
Tabs (taking acid brutal sex)
The story ov a group ov people, confused by thee cruelty and chaos ov their time, not believing in thee obvious, but more inclined to create their own reality. Thee coming ov a God, thee God that’s within everyone, and rootard thee wise man ov thee ultra verse named him….. Bryan, and so became thee tribe ov spygarism, and thee quest for self-acceptance and world denial, confused? You will be…
Good morning el drobbo wherefore art thou stashing? E be stashing in my head, or out ov it as thee case may be, have you seen thee purple stanza that flew from thee heavens last morrow? Yes my grobblyness, it landed in old man buggers barn, it is a sign, thee prophet, written by our ancestors, thee coming ov thee mind fuck, thee twisting ov thee corpuscles, he has been born today, thee wise one. And tell me what was, is, his name? Well it be Bryan, Bryan? Yes, Bryan Spygar is indeed thee holy one, thee only one, thee stony one, thee foamy one, yes, yes, now shut up and show me from whence he came? Over yonder my lord and go forth and multiply, you spindly horn backed neegly toad, why thank you! You are indeed generous with such obscenities, thankee your strudelness. And he came forth, he multiplied, they gazed into thee light and they heard thee great one speak his first words…
Acid, bugger me my sisters, E long to be three! And from this they knew he was indeed a wise man, an old philosopher from Grecian 2000 asked; tell me what are your views on time and space if you’re so clever? Time is indeed a reality but only if you perceive it so and space is indeed a title for nothing, a void and it is only perceived if you choose it too! And with that thee Grecian dyed. Awaken your cells, awaken your prisons, throw down your gauntlet and paint it green, throw up your lager, take down your under things, pull up your socks and strive to be like me but never as me, just strive to be three, and he made a magick sign and thee walls caved in, exploding into thousands ov bright colours, they swirled and twisted, all sound became hollow and everyone felt a certain inner warmth and began to giggle, paradise feels like this he spake, and E can make you feel like this every day and so indeed can you, they wiped their eyes but it was no good, they had seen and had been burned, their eyeballs like two black suns, you will always look like this when you visit paradise, it is a side effect ov sorts, now go forth from this place and practice your truth, thee truth is….deviant sex, magick and drugs and my law is my word. (Lost timezone)
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